Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide


The following markup names a location and elsewhere creates a hyperlink to the location.

<s1 id=ConfigTopic> Configuration
 <location id=ConfigTopicBody>some text<\location>
 <s1 id=UseTopic> Usage
 See <link ConfigTopicBody>Configuration<\link>
 for additional information.

The advantage of linking to the ID in the <location> element is that the help window automatically scrolls to the point where the <location> tag is entered. In contrast, a link to the topic's ID ("ConfigTopic" in this case), always goes to the top of the topic.

The <location> element can also reference a position in your file using the predefined entity, (&empty;), as a placeholder.

Adding this markup at a key position in your file, allows you to create a link to that specific location:

paragraph text
 <location id=pointA>&empty;<\location>