Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide


Suppose you want to display an icon named and wrap paragraph text around it. First, declare the file entity:

<!entity HelpKeyIcon FILE  "helpkey.xwd"> 

Then, enter the paragraph:

<p gentity=HelpKeyIcon gposition=left> The F1 key is a Help key. When 
you press F1, the application you are using displays the help topic 
most closely related to your current activity.

To right-justify the graphic, add the gposition parameter like this:

<p gentity=HelpKeyIcon gposition=right>Many desktop components 
support multicolor icons, in addition to two-color images.

Here's the markup for a paragraph wrapped around an icon, where the icon is a hyperlink that displays a topic with the ID icon-editor in a new window:

<p gentity=my-icon ghyperlink="icon-editor" glinktype=JumpNewView> 
Many desktop components support multicolor icons, in addition to the two-color images.