Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide

To Create an Execution Link Using an Execution Alias

    Use the <link> element as shown:

<link "DtHelpExecAlias alias_name [default_command]" Execute >text<\link>  



Keyword that identifies this link has an execution alias


Name defined as an alias in the execution alias resource specification

default_command Optional.

If provided, this command is executed when an execution alias has not been loaded from an application's application defaults file. For example, application resources are not loaded when a help volume is displayed from an information viewer, such as Help View.


The portion of your help text that you want to designate as the hyperlink text (underlined)

Note -

If the command you are executing doesn't finish immediately, run it in the background by appending an &(ampersand) to the command. If you don't, the help window will not operate until the command finishes.