Solaris Internationalization Guide For Developers

genmsg Utility

The new genmsg utility can be used with the catgets() family of functions to create internationalized source message catalogs. The utility examines a source program file for calls to functions in catgets and builds a source message catalog from the information it finds. For example:

% cat example.c
	/* NOTE: %s is a file name */
	printf(catgets(catd, 5, 1, "%s cannot be opened."));
	/* NOTE: "Read" is a past participle, not a present
			tense verb */
	printf(catgets(catd, 5, 1, "Read"));
% genmsg -c NOTE example.c
The following file(s) have been created.
			new msg file = "example.c.msg"
% cat example.c.msg
$quote "
$set 5
1			"%s cannot be opened"
	/* NOTE: %s is a file name */
2			"Read"
	/* NOTE: "Read" is a past participle, not a present
			tense verb */

In the above example, genmsg is run on the source file example.c, which produces a source message catalog named example.c.msg. The -c option with the argument NOTE causes genmsg to include comments in the catalog. If a comment in the source program contains the string specified, the comment appears in the message catalog after the next string extracted from a call to catgets().

You can use genmsg to number the messages in a message set automatically.

For more information, see the genmsg(1) man page.

Note -

The material in this section is used with permission from Creating Worldwide Software: Solaris International Developer's Guide, 2nd edition by Bill Tuthill and David A. Smallberg, published by Sun Microsystems Press/Prentice Hall. (c)1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.