OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual

Dictionary Searching Commands

Table I-20 Dictionary Searching Commands


Stack Diagram 


' name

( -- xt ) 

Find the named word in the dictionary. Returns the execution token. Use outside definitions. 

['] name

( -- xt ) 

Similar to ' but is used either inside or outside definitions.


( xt -- ) 

Display a list of all words that call the word whose execution token is xt.


( str len -- str len false | xt true ) 

Search for word named by str,len. If found, leave xt and true on stack. If not found, leave name string and false on stack. 


( pstr -- pstr false | xt n ) 

Search for word named by pstr. If found, leave xt and true on stack. If not found, leave name string and false on stack. 

(Recommend using $find to avoid use of packed string.)

see thisword

( -- ) 

Decompile the named command. 


( xt -- ) 

Decompile the word indicated by the execution token. 


( pstr -- ) 

Display names of all dictionary entries containing the string pointed to by pstr.

sifting ccc

( -- ) 

Display names of all dictionary entries containing the sequence of characters. ccc contains no spaces.


( -- )  

Display all visible words in the dictionary.