OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual

The case Statement

A high-level case command is provided for selecting alternatives with multiple possibilities. This command is easier to read than deeply-nested ifthen commands.

Table 4-29 lists the conditional case commands.

Table 4-29 case Statement Commands


Stack Diagram 



( selector -- selector )  

Begin a caseendcase conditional.


( selector -- ) 

Terminate a caseendcase conditional.


( -- ) 

Terminate an ofendof clause in a case...endcase


( selector test-value -- selector | {empty} ) 

Begin an ofendof clause in a case conditional.

Here is a simple example of a case command:

ok : testit  ( testvalue -- )
]	case
]		0  of  ." It was zero "										endof 
]		1  of  ." It was one "										endof 
]		ff of  ." Correct "										endof 
]		-2 of  ." It was minus-two "										endof 
]		( default )  ." It was this value: "  dup . 
]	endcase   ." All done."  ; 
ok 1 testit
It was one All done.
ok ff testit
Correct All done.
ok 4 testit
It was this value: 4 All done.

Note -

The (optional) default clause can use the test value which is still on the stack, but should not remove it (use the phrase "dup ." instead of "."). A successful of clause automatically removes the test value from the stack.