Solaris 7 on Sun Hardware Documentation Guide

Contents of Solaris 7 on Sun Hardware Documentation Sets

This section provides short descriptions of each manual in the Solaris 7 on Sun Hardware Collection provided on the Supplement CD for Solaris 7.

Note -

All the manuals are provided in one online set.

General Manuals

The following manuals, contained in the Solaris 7 on Sun Hardware Collection, may be of interest to users of any Sun systems.

Solaris on Sun Hardware Reference Manual Supplement

Read this to find a compilation of manual pages (man pages) provided in packages on the Supplement CD. This includes man pages that cover SunVTS(TM) software.

The Solaris 7 Sun Hardware Platform Guide provides instructions for installing these additional man pages on your system.

Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals

Read this if you are installing Sun drives that are used with this release of the Solaris operating environment. This manual covers issues such as configuring SCSI addresses for each drive on your system. This manual has been translated into five European languages. The titles of the translated manuals are:

Solaris Handbook for Sun Frame Buffers

Read this for information on using features of the TurboGXplus(TM), SX, PGX (m64), and Creator Graphics Accelerator frame buffers. This manual also explains how to configure multiple monitors on a system.

SunVTS 3.0 User's Guide

Read this for general instructions on using the SunVTS diagnostic software.

SunVTS 3.0 Test Reference Manual

Read this for detailed information about each test that is provided with the SunVTS diagnostic software.

SunVTS Quick Reference Card

Read this as a reminder of the commands used to start the SunVTS software and the options available through the graphical user interface or command line.

NFS Server Performance and Tuning Guide for Sun Hardware

Read this if you are the system administrator of Sun hardware that is used as an NFS(TM) server.

PCI: SBus Comparison

Read this if you are a developer familiar with the SBus and you want new information about PCI bus differences.

Solaris 7 Sun Hardware Platform Guide

This book contains information about the hardware supported by the Solaris 7 operating environment. This book is available in German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Swedish translations. The translated titles are:

Sun Enterprise 6x00, 5x00, 4x00, and 3x00 Systems Dynamic Reconfiguration User's Guide

Read this for information about using Dynamic Reconfiguration software features on these Sun(TM) Enterprise(TM) servers.

Note -

The Using Power Management manual that was in this AnswerBook set in some past Solaris releases is now located in the Solaris 7 User Collection.

Platform Note Manuals

The following manuals, titled Platform Notes, apply to specific Sun hardware systems and devices. Examine this list to determine which manuals provide supplemental information relevant to the hardware you use.

Platform Notes: The Sun Quad FastEthernet Device Driver

This book describes how to configure the qfe driver and driver parameters for the Sun Quad FastEthernet(TM) PCI adapter and the Sun Quad FastEthernet SBus adapter.

Platform Notes: The hme FastEthernet Device Driver

Read this to configure the hme device driver for use with hardware such as the Ultra(TM) series workstations, the Sun Enterprise servers, the SunSwift(TM) adapters, and SunFastEthernet(TM) adapters.

Platform Notes: Sun Enterprise 250 Servers

Read this for information about software configuration of this system. This manual has been translated into five European languages. The titles of the translated manuals are:

Platform Notes: Ultra 450 Workstation and Ultra Enterprise 450 Server

Read this for information about software configuration of this system and its disk drives. It includes procedures for hot-plug replacement of disk drives. This manual has been translated into five European languages. The titles of the translated manuals are:

Platform Notes: SPARCstation 10SX and SPARCstation 20 System Configuration Guide

Read this if you are a developer and you want to take advantage of the graphics memory features of these systems.

Platform Notes: SPARCstation Voyager Software Guide

Read this for information about using software provided on the Supplement CD for use with this nomadic computer. Also refer to this if you are a system administrator supporting users with SPARCstation Voyager(TM) systems.

Platform Notes: Using luxadm Software

Read this to use the Sun Enterprise Network Array and the SPARCstorage(TM) Array luxadm administrative program provided in this Solaris release. (Users of the SPARCstorage Array should refer to this document if they are familiar with using the ssaadm command.)

Note -

Some of the hardware systems covered by the following manuals were called "Ultra Enterprise" servers.

Platform Notes: Sun Enterprise 6x00/ 5x00/4x00/3x00 Systems

Read this for information specific to these Sun Enterprise servers, such as board "hot-plugging" procedures and new OpenBoot(TM) commands that can be used with the firmware in those machines.

Platform Notes: SunFDDI Adapters

This book provides information and instructions for configuring the driver software used by the SunFDDI(TM) adapter.