Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals

Determining the correct target ID for your device depends on several conditions:

Table A-1 SCSI Target Addresses
 Device Order CD-ROM Targets Tape Target Disk Target (Ultra & Enterprise Systems) Disk Target (Pre-Ultra systems)
 1st 6 4 0 3
 2nd  5 1 1
 3rd   2 2
 4th   3 0
 5th   4 4
 6th   5 5
 7th   6 6

Note -

Some SCSI controllers support 7 devices, others support up to 15 devices (although you should take into account the effect on I/O). If 15 devices are connected, valid disk target IDs are 0-14.

Note -

You can not have two devices with the same Target ID on the same SCSI controller. However, target IDs can be reused across different SCSI controllers.