Solaris Handbook for Sun Frame Buffers

Notes to Table 7-1

Note 1: xil_convolve is accelerated for 3 x 3, 5 x 5, and 7 x 7 kernels.

Note 2: xil_decompress is accelerated for the following cases:

This decoder adheres to full-precision 24-bit CCIR 601 YCC to RGB709 color space conversion.

There are a few instances when decompression of streams will not be accelerated.

Note 3: xil_rescale + xil_threshold + xil_threshold + display molecule is accelerated using the Creator depth-cueing hardware. However, some restrictions apply, as follows:

Figure 6-1 Creator Depth-cueing


The following code is an example of a correct call to invoke this molecule:

float scale[1] = 1.5;
float offset[1] = -10;
float t1_lo[1] = 255;
float t1_hi[1] = 240;
float t1_map[1] = 240;
float t2_lo[1] = 0;
float t2_hi[1] = 15;
float t2_map[1] = 15;

However, if the same calling sequence is done with scale[1] = .40, the molecule will not be invoked because the line y = 0.40*x -10 only spans the range y = -10 to y = (255*0.40) - 10 = 92 between x = 0 and x = 255. For the molecule to execute, y must span at least the range y = 15 to y = 240 for x between 0 and 255.

Note 4: xil_get_pixel, xil_set_pixel, and xil_tablewarp are accelerated only as display molecules. For xil_tablewarp, only interpolation = "nearest" is accelerated.

Note 5: All the molecules (other than a single xil function + display) that are accelerated are as follows:

Note 6: There are some restrictions on the acceleration of xil_affine, xil_scale, and xil_rotate: xil_affine and xil_rotate are accelerated only for 1-, 3-, and 4-banded images with "nearest" interpolation, and only for 1- and 3-banded images with "bilinear" and "bicubic" interpolation. The restriction for xil_scale is that in the case of interpolation = "general" the size of the resampling kernels are limited to 8 x 8 for 8-bit images, and 8 x 4 for 16-bit images.