SunVTS 3.0 User's Guide

Installing a Custom Test

Developers can add their own custom tests to the SunVTS environment. This book does not describe test development, but does list the tasks necessary to integrate a custom test into the SunVTS environment.

To Prepare the SunVTS Environment for the Custom Test
  1. To install a custom test, modify the text file called .customtest.

    Modify the 32-bit or 64-bit file according to the Solaris environment that you are using:

    • 32-bit: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/.custometest

    • 64-bit: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/.custometest

    The options you set in the .customtest file become the default options for each test. You can change these options using the pop-up option menus on the SunVTS window interface. However, the Reset button returns the options to the default settings that you specify in the .customtest file.

  2. To display a custom test in the SunVTS interface, enter the test label, test name, and options specifications in the .customtest file. Refer to the file format below.

When invoked, SunVTS displays the custom test.

To Copy the Test Binary to the sunvts Installation Directory
  1. Edit the .customtest file according to the format given below.

  2. Restart sunvts or reprobe the system configuration.

    Note -

    If .customtest is renamed as .customtest-<group>, all its user tests will +appear under the specified <group>.

The .customtest File Format

The.customtest file is located in in two places. Modify the 32-bit or 64-bit .custometest file according to the Solaris environment that you are using:

Each line in this file is made up of two or more fields that are separated by a semicolon where:

A user test definition requires a minimum of two fields, separated by a semicolon, as shown in the following .customtest file format examples:

% your_label_name;your_test_name

  1. To add the scalability option, append the keyword SCA.

    % your_label_name;your_test_name;SCA

  1. To custom build an option menu, add an option specification:

    % Option_Name<Option_Type|Value|Default_Value|Command_Line_Option>

  1. To specify more than one option, separate each option by a comma:

    % label_name;test_name;Numeric<NUMERIC|0,100|50|numeric>, Exc_Choice<EXC_CHOICE|Top,Middle,Bottom|Middle|exc_choice>, Inc_Choice<INC_CHOICE|Left,Center,Right|Left+Center+Right|inc_choice>,Toggle<TOGGLE|This,That|This|toggle>, Text <TEXT|20|Type_Here|text>, Slidebar<SLIDEBAR|0,10|5|slidebar>, Errors<CYCLE|Yes,No|No|errors>, Cycle<CYCLE|First,Second,Third|First|cycle>;SCA

SunVTS invokes the above test as follows:

% ./test_name -s[vq..] [-i n] -o dev=user[0,1..],Command_Line_Option=Value...

You cannot use the customtest facility with a test probe attached. You must ensure that the binaries are compatible with the version of the Solaris kernel on which SunVTS is currently running.