SunVTS 3.0 Test Reference Manual

Chapter 30 Sun Enterprise Cluster 2.0 Network Hardware Test (scitest)

scitest verifies the functionality of the Sun Enterprise Cluster 2.0 by checking the networking hardware. For this test to be meaningful, the cluster must already be configured before the test is run. For details on how to configure the cluster, refer to Sun Enterprise Cluster 2.0 Hardware Site Preparation, Planning, and Installation Guide.

scitest reads the /etc/sma.ip file to determine the target nodes in the cluster. scitest mainly uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to test the connections between cluster nodes.

After finding the cluster nodes (targets), scitest performs the following tests:

Note -

scitest is a scalable test. The maximum number of instances is two per SCI card.

scitest Options

Figure 30-1 scitest Option Menu


Table 30-1 scitest Options

scitest Options


Target Host 

Not used. 

Receive Timeout field 

Specify a number between 0-600 seconds. The default is 120 seconds. 

Number of Retries field 

The number of retries before an error is flagged. Specify a number between 0-128. 

Print Warning 

Disabled by default. Choose Enable to see warning errors, such as retry on timeout errors.

scitest Test Modes

Connection, Functional and Online modes are supported by scitest. Different test schemes are performed on the network device based on the mode selected.

Table 30-2 scitest Test Modes

Test Mode 


Connection Test 

scitest checks if the device is connected. It searches through all the network interfaces for the specified device name. scitest finds the device not connected the test fails, otherwise, it returns device is connected.

Functional Test 

scitest performs all three tests (Random test, Incremental test, and Pattern test) sequentially. It allows you to specify an option in such a way that scitest performs a very stressful test.

 Functional mode through SyMON

If you invoke SunVTS through SyMON, the following test description applies: scitest is aware that the user's application may be running, it tries to minimize the influence on the application while it is testing by only running the random test. Since the network device is shared and system resources are available, applications will not be heavily impacted.

scitest Command Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/scitest standard_arguments -o dev=interface,test=type,packets=n,pattern=hex,delay=seconds, timeout=seconds,retry=n,warn

Table 30-3 scitest Command Line Syntax




Network interface name. The default value is le0 for Ethernet networks.


The test type. Specify random, increment, or pattern. The default value is random+increment+pattern to run.


Number of random/pattern packets. The default is 256.  


Specifies a data pattern in hexadecimal form. The default is all patterns from 0 to 0xff.


Indicates the time between subtests in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.  


Indicates the number of seconds to wait before a timeout. The default is 20 seconds. 


Indicates the number of test timeout retries. The default is three retries.  


When enabled, prints warning messages.  

Note -

64-bit tests are located in the sparcv9 subdirectory: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/testname. If a test is not present in this directory, then it may only be available as a 32-bit test. For more information refer to "32-Bit and 64-Bit Tests".

scitest Error Messages

Table 30-4 scitest Error Messages


Error Message 

Probable Cause(s) 

Recommended Action 


Unable to communicate from string

SCI adapter failure or no cable connected. 

Check cable connections.  

Replace the SCI adaptor. 


Can not access /etc/sma.ip file. "I WILL STOP TESTING SCI INTERFACES"

/etc/sma.ip is missing, or the cluster is not configured, or this is an old cluster version.

Use sm_config to configure the cluster. Restore the files from a backup tape. Specify the cluster machines in the target host of test options before running the test.


RPC broadcast failure error_message




Unable to resolve host_name ethernet address




No ICMP echo reply from string

SCI adaptor failure or no cable connected. 

Check cable connections.  

Replace the SCI adaptor. 



ICMP echo reply incorrect length from host_name, exp data obs data




ICMP echo reply length number from host_name, data mismatch at byte number, exp value obs value




Unable to find any test target




Unable to open device_name error_message




Bad ioctl name error_message




Unable to allocate number bytes of memory error_message




System call name returned value error_message




Unable to map network entry for host_name




Failed to allocate number bytes of swap space for configuration




dl_primitive response = value




dl_ok_ack: short response




dl_phys_addr_ack: short response




Invalid Argument string




Interface device_name not configured in system




SCITEST can not open/read /etc/sma.ip