x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual

Symbol Definition Pseudo Operations

.def name

The .def pseudo op starts a symbolic description for symbol name. See endef. name is a symbol name.

.dim expr [,expr]

The .dim pseudo op is used with the .def pseudo op. If the name of a .def is an array, the expressions give the dimensions; up to four dimensions are accepted. The type of each expression should be positive.


The .endef pseudo op is the ending bracket for a .def.

.file name

The .file pseudo op is the source file name. Only one is allowed per source file. This must be the first line in an assembly file.

.line expr

The .line pseudo op is used with the .def pseudo op. It defines the source line number of the definition of symbol name in the .def. expr should yield a positive value.

.ln line [,addr]

This pseudo op provides the relative source line number to the beginning of a function. It is used to pass information through to sdb.

.scl expr

The .scl pseudo op is used with the .def pseudo op. Within the .def it gives name the storage class of expr. The type of expr should be positive.

.size expr

The .size pseudo op is used with the .def pseudo op. If the name of a .def is an object such as a structure or an array, this gives it a total size of expr. expr must be a positive integer.

.stabs name type 0 desc value

.stabn type 0 desc value

The .stabs and .stabn pseudo ops are debugger directives generated by the C compiler when the -g option are used. name provides the symbol table name and type structure. type identifies the type of symbolic information (i.e., source file, global symbol, or source line). desc specifies the number of bytes occupied by a variable or type, or the nesting level for a scope symbol. value specifies an address or an offset.

.tag str

The .tag pseudo op is used in conjunction with a previously defined .def pseudo op. If the name of a .def is a structure or a union, str should be the name of that structure or union tag defined in a previous .def-.endef pair.

.type expr

The .type pseudo op is used within a .def-.endef pair. It gives name the C compiler type representation expr.

.val expr

The .val pseudo op is used with a .def-.endef pair. It gives name (in the .def) the value of expr. The type of expr determines the section for name.