x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual

Interrupt Return (iret)


return -> routine


In Real Address Mode, iret pops CS, the flags register, and the instruction pointer from the stack and resumes the routine that was interrupted. In Protected Mode, the setting of the nested task flag (NT) determines the action of iret. The IOPL flag register bits are changed when CPL equals 0 and the new flag image is popped from the stack.

iret returns from an interrupt procedure without a task switch if NT equals 0. Returned code must be equally or less privileged than the interrupt routine as indicated CS selector RPL bits popped from the stack. If the returned code is less privileged, iret pops SS and the stack pointer from the stack.

iret reverses the operation of an INT or CALL that caused the task switch if NT equals 1.The task executing iret is updated and saved in its task segment. The code that follows iret is executed if the task is re-entered.


Resume the interrupted routine:
