SPARC Assembly Language Reference Manual

Appendix D An Example Language Program

The following code shows an example C language program; the second example code shows the corresponding assembly code generated by SPARCompiler C 3.0.2 that runs on the Solaris 2.x operating environment. Comments have been added to the asembly code to show correspondence to the C code.

The following C Program computes the first n Fibonacci numbers:

Example D-1 C Program Example Source

/* a simple program computing the first n Fibonacci numbers */

extern unsigned * fibonacci();


/* compute the first n Fibonacci numbers */
unsigned * fibonacci(n)
     int n;
  static unsigned fib_array[MAX_FIB_REPRESENTABLE] = {0,1};
  unsigned prev_number = 0;
  unsigned curr_number = 1;
  int i;

    printf("Fibonacci(%d) cannot be represented in a 32 bit word\n", n); 

  for (i = 2; i < n; i++) {
    fib_array[i] = prev_number + curr_number;
    prev_number = curr_number;
    curr_number = fib_array[i];


  int n, i;
  unsigned * result;

  printf("Fibonacci(n):, please enter n:\n");  
  scanf("%d", &n);

  result = fibonacci(n);
  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    printf("Fibonacci (%d) is %u\n", i, *result++);

The C SPARCompiler generates the following assembler output for the Fibonacci number C source. Annotation has been added to help you understand the code.

Example D-2 Assembler Output From C Source

!  a simple program computing the first n Fibonacci numbers, 
!  showing various pseudo-operations, sparc instructions, synthetic instructions
!  pseudo-operations:	  .align, .ascii, .file, .global, .ident, .proc, .section, 
!			  .size, .skip, .type, .word
!  sparc instructions:    add, bg, bge, bl, ble, ld, or, restore, save, sethi, st
!  synthetic instructions: call, cmp, inc, mov, ret

	.file	"fibonacci.c"			! the original source file name

	.section	".text"			! text section (executable instructions)
	.proc	79				! subroutine fibonacci, it's return
						! value will be in %i0 
	.global	fibonacci			! fibonacci() can be referenced
						! outside this file
	.align	4				! align the beginning of this section
						! to word boundary
	save	%sp,-96,%sp			! create new stack frame and register
						! window for this subroutine
/*  if (n >= MAX_FIB_REPRESENTABLE) { */	
						! note, C style comment strings are
						! also permitted
	cmp	%i0,49				! n >= MAX_FIB_REPRESENTABLE ?
						! note, n, the 1st parameter to
						! fibonacci(), is stored in %i0 upon 
						! entry
	bl	.L77003
	mov	0,%i2				! initialization of variable
						! prev_number is executed in the 
						! delay slot 

/* printf("Fibonacci(%d) cannot be represented in a 32 bits word\n", n); */
	sethi	%hi(.L20),%o0			! if branch not taken, call printf(),
	or	%o0,%lo(.L20),%o0		! set up 1st, 2nd argument in %o0, %o1;
	call	printf,2			! the ",2" means there are 2 out 
	mov	%i0,%o1				! registers used as arguments
/* exit(1); */
	call	exit,1				
	mov	1,%o0
.L77003:					! initialize variables before the loop 
/* for (i = 2; i < n; i++) { */
	mov	1,%i4				! curr_number = 1
	mov	2,%i3				! i = 2
	cmp	%i3,%i0				! i <= n?
	bge	.L77006				! if not, return
	sethi	%hi(.L16+8),%o0			! use %i5 to store fib_array[i] 
	add	%o0,%lo(.L16+8),%i5
.LY1:						! loop body
/* fib_array[i] = prev_number + curr_number; */
	add	%i2,%i4,%i2			! fib_array[i] = prev_number+curr_number
	st	%i2,[%i5]
/* prev_number = curr_number; */
	mov	%i4,%i2				! prev_number = curr_number
/* curr_number = fib_array[i]; */
	ld	[%i5],%i4			! curr_number = fib_array[i]
	inc	%i3				! i++
	cmp	%i3,%i0				! i <= n?
	bl	.LY1				! if yes, repeat loop
	inc	4,%i5				! increment ptr to fib_array[]
/* return(fib_array); */
	sethi	%hi(.L16),%o0			! return fib_array in %i0
	add	%o0,%lo(.L16),%i0
	restore					! destroy stack frame and register 
						! window
	.type	fibonacci,#function		! fibonacci() is of type function
	.size	fibonacci,(.-fibonacci)		! size of function:
						!  current location counter minus
						!  beginning definition of function

	.proc	18				! main program  
	.global	main
	.align	4
	save	%sp,-104,%sp			! create stack frame for main()
/* printf("Fibonacci(n):, please input n:\n"); */
	sethi	%hi(.L31),%o0			! call printf, with 1st arg in %o0 
	call	printf,1
	or	%o0,%lo(.L31),%o0
/* scanf("%d", &n); */
	sethi	%hi(.L33),%o0			! call scanf, with 1st arg, in %o0  
	or	%o0,%lo(.L33),%o0		! move 2nd arg. to %o1, in delay slot
	call	scanf,2
	add	%fp,-4,%o1

/* result = fibonacci(n); */
	call	fibonacci,1			
	ld	[%fp-4],%o0

						! some initializations before the for-
						! loop, put the variables in registers
/* for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) */
	mov	1,%i5				! %i5 <-- i
	mov	%o0,%i4				! %i4 <-- result	
	sethi	%hi(.L38),%o0			! %i2 <-- format string for printf
	add	%o0,%lo(.L38),%i2
	ld	[%fp-4],%o0			! test if (i <= n) ?
	cmp	%i5,%o0				! note, n is stored in [%fp-4]
	bg	.LE27
.LY2:						! loop body
/* printf("Fibonacci (%d) is %u\n", i, *result++); */
	ld	[%i4],%o2			! call printf, with (*result) in %o2,
	mov	%i5,%o1				!   i in %o1, format string in %o0
	call	printf,3
	mov	%i2,%o0
	inc	%i5				! i++
	ld	[%fp-4],%o0			! i <= n?
	cmp	%i5,%o0				
	ble	.LY2
	inc	4,%i4				! result++
	.type	main,#function			! type and size of main
	.size	main,(.-main)			

	.section ".data"			! switch to data section   
						! (contains initialized data)
	.align	4
/* static unsigned fib_array[MAX_FIB_REPRESENTABLE] = {0,1}; */
	.align	4				! initialization of first 2 elements
	.word	0				! of fib_array[]
	.align	4
	.word	1
	.skip	188
	.type	.L16,#object			! storage allocation for the rest of
						! fib_array[]

	.section ".data1"		! the ascii string data are entered 
						! into the .data1 section;
						! #alloc:  memory would be allocated 
						!    for this section during run time
						! #write:  the section contains data
						!    that is writeable during process 
						!    execution
	.align	4
.L20:						! ascii strings used in the printf stmts
	.ascii	"Fibonacci(%d) cannot be represented in a 32 bit w"
	.ascii	"ord\n\0"
	.align	4				! align the next ascii string to word
						! boundary
	.ascii	"Fibonacci(n):, please enter n:\n\0"
	.align	4
	.ascii	"%d\0"
	.align	4
	.ascii	"Fibonacci (%d) is %u\n\0"
	.ident	"acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0 05 Jun 1991"
						! an idenitfication string produced
						! by the compiler to be entered into
						! the .comment section