System Interface Guide

To Do More With Java

The Java WorkShop is an unbundled package from SunSoft DevPro. JWS is implemented in Java and uses its own Java interpreter. Java WorkShop consists of eight applications. These are Portfolio Manager, Project Manager, Source Editor, Build Manager, Source Browser, Debugger, Applet Tester, and Online Help.

Portfolio Manager 

Creates and customizes portfolios of your Java projects. It manages collections of objects and applets from which you create new applets and applications. 

Project Manager 

Sets preferences and directories for your project. Instead of you memorizing paths to components, the project manager organizes and saves the locations and preferences for you. 

Source Editor 

A point-and-click tool for creating and editing source code. Other components of Java WorkShop invoke the Source Editor at many points in the creation, compiling, and debugging process. 

Build Manager 

Compiles Java source code to Java byte-code and locates errors in the source. In launching the Source Editor, the Build Manager links you to the editor in the source code, which lets you correct an decompile very quickly. 

Source Browser 

Displays a tree diagram that shows the class inheritance of all the objects in your project. It also lists all constructor and general methods in your project and lets you search for strings and symbols. The Source Browser links to the Source Editor to view the code. 


Provides an array of tools to control and manage the debugging process. By running the application or applet under a control panel, you can stop and resume threads, set break points, trap exceptions, view threads in alphabetical order, and see messages. 

Project Tester 

Similarly to appletviewer, Applet Tester lets you run and test your applet. Use Build Manager to compile your applet, then run it with Applet Tester. 

Online Help 

Is organized in to the topics "Getting Started", "Debugging Applets", "Building Applets", "Managing Applets", and "Browsing Source". There are also buttons for a table of contents and index. 

Visual Java 

An integrated Java GUI builder that has a point-and-click interface with a pallet of customizable prebuilt GUI foundation widgets.