System Interface Guide

Asynchronous Use of a Connection

To asynchronously await connections, a process first establishes a non-blocking endpoint bound to a service address. When either the result of poll(2) or an asynchronous notification indicates that a connection request has arrived, the process can get the connection request by using the t_listen(3N) function. To accept the connection, the process uses the t_accept(3N) function. The responding endpoint must be separately configured for asynchronous data transfers.

The following example illustrates how to request a connection asynchronously.

#include <tiuser.h>
int             fd;
struct t_call   *call;

	fd = .../* establish a non-blocking endpoint */

	call = (struct t_call *) t_alloc(fd, T_CALL, T_ADDR);
	.../* initialize call structure */
	t_connect(fd, call, call);

	/* connection request is now proceeding asynchronously */

	.../* receive indication that connection has been accepted */
	t_rcvconnect(fd, &call);

The following example illustrates listening for connections asynchronously.

#include <tiuser.h>
int             fd, res_fd;
struct t_call   call;

	fd = ... /* establish non-blocking endpoint */

	.../*receive indication that connection request has arrived
	call = (struct t_call *) t_alloc(fd, T_CALL, T_ALL);
	t_listen(fd, &call);

	.../* determine whether or not to accept connection */
	res_fd = ... /* establish non-blocking endpoint for response
	t_accept(fd, res_fd, call);