Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Release Notes

Chapter 1 Update 10/19/1998

The update dated 10/19/1998, part number 805-5767-11, includes late-breaking information that became available after the printed documentation, part number 805-5767-10, was released.

Installation Bugs

Additional Packages Required to Complete Installation of Locales (4177642)

When using Solaris Web Start to install any locale listed in the table below and the workstation option is selected rather than server option, the following packages must be added to complete the installation:

Affected locales are listed below.

 Name of Locale  Name of Country
 da Denmark
 nl  Netherlands
 nl_BE Belgium
 fi Finland
 fr_CA Canada
 fr_BE Belgium
 fr_CH Switzerland
 de_CH Switzerland
 no Norway (Bokmål)
 pt Portugal
 pt_BR Brazil
 en_IE  Ireland
 en_NZ New Zealand
  de_AT Austria
 ru Russia
 ru.koi8-r Russia
 cz Czech Republic
 hu Hungary
 et Estonia
 pl Poland
 el Greece
  tr Turkey
  lv Latvia
  lt Lithuania
 sq_AL Albania
 sk_SK Slovakia
 sl_SI Slovenia
  hr_HR Croatia
  nr  Bosnia
  ro_RO Romania
 sr_SP Serbia
 bg_BG Bulgaria
 mk_MK Macedonia
  no_NY Norway (Nynorsk)
 ar  Egypt
 he Israel
 fr.UTF-8  France
 (UTF-8) de.UTF-8 Germany
 (UTF-8) it.UTF-8 Italy
 (UTF-8) es.UTF-8 Spain
 (UTF-8) sv.UTF-8 Sweden
 (UTF-8) fr_BE.ISO8859-15 France (Euro)
  el.sun_eu_greek  Greece (Euro)
  nl_BE.ISO8859-15 Belgium (Euro)
  nl.ISO8859-15 Netherlands (Euro)
 pt.ISO8859-15 Portugal (Euro)
 de_AT.ISO8859-15 Germany (Euro)
 en_IE.ISO8859-15 Ireland (Euro)
 da.ISO8859-15  Denmark (Euro)
 fi.ISO8859-15 Finland (Euro)

For more information on adding packages, refer to the pkgadd man page.

CDE Issues and Bugs

Supported Y2K Dates Testing Procedure

CDE and Solaris 7 is Y2K-compliant. Use the date command to modify the system date and clock. If you want the system date and clock to reflect a future date for testing purposes, halt or shut down the system and run in single user mode. You can only modify the system date in single user mode. You can then boot your system and run in multi user mode with the desired test date.

Compiling Motif Programs on Solaris 7 (4172061)

This problem occurs when compiling a Motif program in the Solaris 7 operating environment if you link to an older shared library that has been compiled in the Solaris 2.5 or Solaris 2.6 operating environments and if the older library also uses the Motif API. In this case the Motif program uses Motif version 2.1 and the old shared library uses Motif version 1.2. A core dump occurs. This is not a binary compatibility problem for applications compiled in the Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6 operating environments. Those applications should run correctly in the Solaris 7 operating environment.

Workaround: When you use either one of the following two workarounds, copy the Solaris 2.6 Motif header file directory Xm located in /usr/dt/include/ to a temporary directory.

  1. Modify the compile line that is usually represented as:

    cc m.c -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include -lXm -lXt -lX11 
    to be as follows:

    cc m.c -I/usr/openwin/include -I/tmp -I/usr/dt/include 
    /usr/lib/ -lXt -lX11

  1. Alternately, copy /usr/dt/lib/ to a temporary directory /tmp.

  2. Execute the command ln -s in the directory /tmp.

  3. Use a Motif compile line similar to the following:

    cc m.c -I/usr/openwin/include -I/tmp -I/usr/dt/include 
    -L/tmp -lXm -lXt -lX11

System Administration Bugs

Auditing of the Network (nt) audit Class Can Cause System Failure (4172702)

When auditing is enabled, selecting for the network audit events (nt class) can cause the system to fail.

Workaround: Do not enable auditing for the network audit events (nt class) or all audit events (all class) for any user or for the default of all users. The Solaris 7 operating environment has neither of these classes enabled. Individual user audit is controlled in the /etc/security/audit_user file which has the form username:classes:classes. Do not enter either the class allor nt in either of the classes fields.

For example, do not modify an /etc/security/audit_user file with entries like

Default auditing is controlled in the /etc/security/audit_control file by the flags entry which has the form flags:classes. Again, do not enter either the class all or nt in the classes field. For example, do not modify an /etc/security/audit_control file with flags entries like

This problem is addressed by the Solaris 7 106832 patch.

Security Bugs

Solaris 7 praudit and auditreduce Cannot Process Solaris 2.6 Audit Files (4167174 and 4168892)

Solaris 7 audit trails are incompatible with audit trails that have been generated in the Solaris 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6 operating environments. You cannot use the praudit and auditreduce commands in the Solaris 7 operating environment to process audit files that have been generated in the Solaris 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6 operating environments.

Workaround: Process audit trails only on the same release of Solaris on which they have been generated. This problem is addressed by the following Solaris 7 106832 patch.

Documentation Issues

Federated Naming Service Programming Guide

Solaris 7 Software Developer Collection

The Federated Naming Service Programming Guide is not included in the Solaris 7 Software Developer Collection (SUNWabsdk package) on the Solaris 7 Documentation CD. The Guide may be found in the Solaris 7 Software Developer Collection on

OpenBoot PROM boot Command Behavior (4181145)

In Solaris 7, the boot(1m) reference manual page does not document the fact that the existing boot-file or diag-file settings are ignored by the PROM if any filename or boot arguments are specified on the boot command line. Generally, the OpenBoot boot command takes arguments of the following form:

ok book [device-specifier] [arguments] 

The default boot command has no arguments. If no device-specifier is given on the boot command line, OpenBoot uses the boot-device or diag-device nvram variable. If no optional arguments are given on the command line, OpenBoot uses the boot-file or diag-file nvram variable as default boot arguments.

Arguments may include more than one string. All argument strings are passed to the secondary booter; they are not interpreted by OpenBoot. If any arguments are specified on the boot command line, then neither the boot-file nor the diag-file nvram variable is used. The contents of the nvram variables are not merged with command line arguments.

Note -

This behavior is found on most OpenBoot 2.x and 3.x based systems. Note that differences may occur on some platforms.

Workaround: Since the contents of boot-file or diag-file may be ignored depending on the form of the boot command used, reliance upon the boot-file should be discouraged for most production systems.

To change the OS policy, change the policy file. In most cases, it is best to allow the boot command to choose an appropriate default based on the system type, system hardware and firmware, and on what is installed on the root file system. It is accepted practice to augment the boot command's policy by modifying the policy file; however, changing boot-file or diag-file may generate unexpected results in certain circumstances.