Solaris 7 5/99 Release Notes (Intel Platform Edition)


The SolarisTM 7 (Intel Platform Edition) 5/99 Release Notes contain installation problem details and other information that was not available until immediately before the release of the Solaris 7 5/99 operating environment, too late to be included in the SUNWrdm package that is resident on the Solaris 7 5/99 CD. This document complements the information in the SUNWrdm package, the online release notes, except for the information in Chapter 1, Installation Issues.

Chapter 1, Installation Issues supersedes the information in the installation_bugs file that is part of the online release notes.

You can access the SUNWrdm package (the online release notes) as follows:

Note -

The name of this product is Solaris 7 5/99, but code and path or package path names may use Solaris 2.7 or SunOS 5.7. Always follow the code or path as it is written.

Note -

The term "x86" refers to the Intel 8086 family of microprocessor chips, including the Pentium, Pentium Pro, and Pentium II, Pentium II Xeon, Pentimum III, Celeron processors, and compatible microprocessor chips made by AMD and Cyrix.In this document the term "x86" refers to the overall platform architecture, whereas "Intel Platform Edition" appears in the product name.

Who Should Use This Book

These notes are for users and system administrators who are installing and using the Solaris 7 5/99 operating environment.

Related Books

You may need to refer to the following manuals when installing Solaris software:

Solaris documentation is available on the Solaris 7 Documentation CD included with this product.

In this Solaris release you will find supplemental documentation describing new functionality. If a Solaris 7 AnswerBook2TM collection has been updated, you will find a Solaris 7 Supplement in that collection.

Note -

The Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) Hardware Compatibility List has changed since publication. The changes are included in Appendix B, Hardware Compatibility List and Device Configuration Guide (Intel Platform Edition) 5/99 of these Release Notes.

For some hardware configurations, you may need supplemental hardware-specific instructions for installing the Solaris operating environment. If your system requires hardware-specific actions at certain points, the manufacturer of your hardware has provided supplemental Solaris installation documentation. Refer to those materials for hardware-specific installation instructions.

For known problems, new features, and patches not relating to installation, view the online files in the /cdrom/sol_7_599_x86/s2/Solaris_2.7/Docs/release_info/C directory on the Solaris 7 5/99 CD.

The /cdrom/sol_7_599_x86/s2/Solaris_2.7/Docs/release_info/C directory includes these files:

The installed location for the these files is the directory:


Solaris Certification Program

Information about the Solaris hardware certification program can be found on the Internet at Occasionally, updated Hardware Compatibility Lists are produced between releases. If a newer version of this document exists, it will be available at the certification web site.

Ordering Sun Documents

The Sun Software Shop stocks hundreds of manuals from Sun Microsystems, Inc. You can purchase individual printed manuals and AnswerBook2TM CDs.

For a list of documents and how to order them, visit the Software Shop at

Accessing Sun Documentation Online

The docs.sun.comSM web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation online. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject. The URL is

What Typographic Changes Mean

Table P-1 Typographic Conventions

Typeface or Symbol 




 The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

machine_name% you have mail.


 What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer outputmachine_name% su Password:


 Command-line placeholder: replace with a real name or value

To delete a file, type rm filename.


Book titles, new words, or terms, or words to be emphasized. 

Read Chapter 6 in User's Guide.

These are called class options.

You must be root to do this.