Solaris 7 5/99 Release Notes (Intel Platform Edition)

End of Software Support Statements for Future Releases of the Solaris Operating Environment

The sysidnis(1M) System Identification Program

The sysidnis(1M) program may be removed in a future release. sysidnis(1m) is the System Identification program responsible for configuring name services during installation and upgrade, and after unconfiguration using sys-unconfig(1M).

sysidnis(1M) will be replaced by sysidns(1M).


XIL may no longer be supported in a future release. The following warning is generated when an XIL program is compiled:

#error: "XGL has been declared Obsolete and may not be present in versions of Solaris after 8.#define SUNXIL_WARNING_DISABLE (or use -D) to disable this message."  

To compile an XIL program, disable the message by adding #define to the program:


or by using the following compiler directive:


The Console Subsystem for the Solaris Operating Environment, Intel Platform Edition Is Being Replaced

The replacement is more compatible with the equivalent subsystem used on SPARC based systems. Therefore, it provides for future extensibility. It invalidates a large number of undocumented and unsupported interfaces, as well as some documented interfaces.

The following documented interfaces may no longer be supported in a future release:

If you want to program the keyboard, use loadkeys(1) instead of pcmapkeys(1). In console mode, there will no longer be a mechanism to load a different font in the video card. The only available font is ISO8859-1

The following undocumented and unsupported interfaces may no longer be available in a future release:

The terminal type for the console will beis "sun-color" rather than AT386.