Solaris 7 5/99 Release Notes (Intel Platform Edition)

Installation Bugs That Occur During an Interactive Installation

Erroneous Messages Indicating Packages Added a Second Time (1235464)

This appears as an attempt to install the same architecture and version of a package that is already installed. This installation overwrites this package.

When upgrading a system with the Entire Distribution plus OEM Cluster, the following packages seem to be added twice:

Installation Progress Bar May Be Inaccurate (1266156)

The "Installing Solaris Software - Progress" bar sometimes indicates that an installation is complete when it is still in progress. The install program may add packages for several minutes after the progress bar has indicated that the installation is complete. Do not rely on the progress bar to indicate that the installation is complete. The installation displays the following message when the program has completed all installation operations:

Installation complete

Installation of Diskless Client Does Not Preserve Changes in the dfstab File on a Server (4045544)

When you upgrade the Solaris operating environment on a server with diskless clients, the options on the dfstab line are not preserved for /usr. For example, if you entered the following in the dfstab file:

share -F nfs -o rw /export/exec/Solaris_2.7_sparc.all/usr

then this entry is automatically replaced with the following entry during the upgrade:

share -F nfs -o ro /export/exec/Solaris_2.7_sparc.all/usr

Workaround: Before you attempt to upgrade the Solaris operating environment on an OS server that has a diskless client or Solstice AutoClient, back up the /etc/dfs/dfstab file for the clients.