Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) 8/99 Release Notes

System Administration Bugs

/var/adm/messages File Contains Incorrect Time Stamp (4216235)

The system time in the /var/adm/messages file is inaccurate when displaying boot-related information for the first boot after a netinstall. In the following excerpt from the /var/adm/messages file, you will see that the system time gets set to a later time.

Jun  1 22:05:07 sunergy2 unix: mem = 49152K (0x3000000)
Jun  1 22:05:07 sunergy2 unix: avail mem = 44359680
Jun  1 22:05:07 sunergy2 unix: root nexus = SUNW,SPARCclassic
Jun  1 17:39:59 sunergy2 unix: iommu0 at root
Jun  1 17:39:59 sunergy2 unix: : 
Jun  1 17:39:59 sunergy2 unix: obio 0x10000000
Jun  1 17:39:59 sunergy2 unix: 
Jun  1 17:39:59 sunergy2 unix: sbus0 at iommu0

Workaround: You may delete the innaccurate messages.

UFS Quotas Not Enabled After Booting (4226352)

If you have UFS file systems listed in /etc/vfstab with quotas enabled, you must apply the following workaround. Otherwise, quotas are not enabled automatically after booting a system.

Workaround: You must run quotacheck -a and quotaon -a for quotas to be correctly enabled. Otherwise, quotas remain disabled.

Cannot Detach UE10000 Board if in.rarpd daemon Is Running and /rplboot Exists (4231845)

If you setup a UE10000 board as a diskless client and Solstice AutoClient server and Solstice AdminSuite daemons are running, you cannot detach the board using Dynamic Reconfiguration. When you attempt to detach the board, you will see something similar to the following error message:

dr> complete_detach 2
Completing detach of board 2.
DR Error: detach_board: UNCONFIGURE ioctl failed
PIM (errno #5): /sbus@48,0/SUNW,hme@0,8c00000
Board detachment failed.
Retry the COMPLETE or ABORT the operation.

Workaround: If you set up a UE10000 board as a Solstice server servicing diskless clients and AutoClient systems, follow these steps before running a Dynamic Reconfiguration operation:

  1. Move /rplboot to /rplboot_orig:

    # mv /rplboot /rplboot_orig
  2. Stop the NFS server:

    # /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
  3. Start the NFS server:

    # /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
  4. Kill the in.rarpd daemon:

    # kill -9 PID

    where PID is the Process ID of the in.rarpd daemon

  5. Kill the rpc.bootparamd daemon:

    # kill -9 PID

    where PID is the Process ID of the rpc.bootparamd daemon

You are now able to run Dynamic Reconfiguration successfully to detach the UE10000 board. During the Dynamic Reconfiguration operation, you can not service any diskless clients or AutoClient systems. To restart client services after the successful Dynamic Reconfiguration operation:

  1. Move /rplboot_orig to /rplboot:

    # mv /rplboot_orig /rplboot
  2. Stop the NFS server:

    # /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
  3. Start the NFS server:

    # /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
  4. Run the in.rarpd daemon:

    # /usr/sbin/in.rarpd -a &
  5. Run the rpc.bootparamd daemon:

    # /usr/sbin/rpc.bootparamd &

Remote Console Bugs

The following bugs occur when the Remote Console feature is enabled.

init Does Not Recognize Carrier Drop Off From a Serial Display and Therefore Does Not Revert to the Default Console (4191023)

If you lose the carrier, for example, become disconnected from the serial port that is not located on the default console or on an auxiliary console through which you are logged in, and then bring the system to single-user or administrative mode by executing the init command from that port, you must ensure that the carrier is reestablished on that serial port before bringing the system back up. The system then prompts you for a run level to which you want to boot the system (only on the port where the init command was initiated).

Workaround: Reconnect to the serial ports when you lose the carrier before rebooting the system.

init Prompts for Run Level When the reboot Command Is Executed From a Standalone Session (4191148)

A misleading message is sometimes displayed on the device on which you initiated the init state transition when administering a system using the init command even though you executed the reboot command. When executing init s, a single-user shell is established on a remote console and the subsequent rebooting of the system can cause the following message to be displayed:

Enter run level

Workaround: Ignore the misleading message.

Change the init Command's Run Level Prompt to Display on a tty On Which Control--D or the exit Command Are Executed (4196862)

If you press Control--D as a superuser or after logging in as root from the superuser login prompt and then issue an exit command to be at the default run level, you are prompted for the default run level. The prompt is displayed on a console on which the init command was initially executed instead of the console on which Control--D or the exit command were originally issued.

If you execute the init command from a pty, /dev/console becomes the default device on which you are prompted for a run level. If you are running a remote console and log in as a superuser and then type Control--D to boot the system, the run level prompt is then displayed on the console instead of the auxiliary console.

The init Command Does Not Display Its Run Level Prompt When Reconnecting to the Port of an Auxiliary Console (4196993)

If a configuration includes one or more auxiliary consoles and the carrier drops the connection for the auxiliary console on which the init command was run, and the sulogin shell has exited from another auxiliary or default console, then the following prompt will not be displayed after reestablishing the connection on the port from which the carrier dropped the connection:

Enter Run Level

Although you are never prompted for the run level, the system is still waiting for the run level to be entered.

Workaround: Reestablish the connection on the port from the carrier has dropped the connection and enter the desired run level even though you are not prompted for the run level.

Some Console Messages Cannot Be Redirected to Auxiliary Consoles (4197589)

Daemons or commands may use /dev/console explicitly to display messages. The frequency of such messages is low among the set of messages that the console may display.

Workaround: All messages are still printed to /dev/console and can therefore be monitored. You can also monitor syslog log files.

syslog Writes Messages to /dev/syscon When Unable to Send to syslogd (4219265)

If syslogd needs to display error messages on a console, these messages will be directed to the default location /dev/syscon. The error messages are not displayed on any configured auxiliary consoles in this feature patch.