Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) 8/99 Release Notes

End of Software Support Statements for Future Releases of the Solaris Operating Environment

The sysidnis(1M) System Identification Program

The sysidnis(1M) program may be removed in a future release. sysidnis(1m) is the System Identification program responsible for configuring name services during installation and upgrade, and after unconfiguration using sys-unconfig(1M).

sysidnis(1M) will be replaced by sysidns(1M).


XIL may no longer be supported in a future release. The following warning is generated when an XIL program is compiled:

#error: "XGL has been declared Obsolete and may not be present in versions of Solaris after 8.#define SUNXIL_WARNING_DISABLE (or use -D) to disable this message."  

To compile an XIL program, disable the message by adding #define to the program:


or by using the following compiler directive: