Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) 8/99 Release Notes

Documentation Errata

Documentation Errata for AnswerBook2 Server

Book Affected: Traditional Chinese version of Installing and Administering an AnswerBook2 Server

In the Traditional Chinese version of the book Installing and Administering an AnswerBook2 Server, several commands have been translated to show Chinese commands or parameters. These commands should remain in their original form, as shown in the English version of the book.

To read the correct examples of commands and parameters, refer to the English version of Installing and Administering an AnswerBook2 Server.

Documentation Errata for Solaris 7 8/99 Installation Supplement

Book Affected: Solaris 7 8/99 Installation Supplement

In the Solaris 7 8/99 Installation Supplement, it is noted that if you are running Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 software and want to add OS services to your server, you need to install the Solstice AminSuite 2.3 patch number 104468-06. This patch applies to the Solaris 7 SPARC Platform Edition. If you are running the Solaris 7 Intel Platform Edition, install the Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 patch number 104469-06.