Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) 8/99 Release Notes

The SMEvplu.u Package Does Not Install Properly When Upgrading From Solaris 2.5.1 Hardware: 11/97 With Disk Space Reallocation (4190800)

If you are running a SPARCengineTM UltraTM AX system and you are upgrading from the Solaris 2.5.1 Hardware: 11/97 operating environment with Disk Space Reallocation, the SMEvplu.u package does not install properly.

The following message appears in the upgrade_log:

Doing pkgadd of SMEvplu.u to /. 
pkgadd: ERROR: SMEvplu is already installed at /usr. Admin file will force a 
duplicate installation at /.

Installation of <SMEvplu> was suspended (administration).
No changes were made to the system.
pkgadd return code = 4

Workaround: Before rebooting, manually remove the exisisting SMEvplu package and install the new SMEvplu.u package.

  1. Remove the incomplete SMEvplu package:

    # pkgrm -R /a SMEvplu
  2. Change directories to the Solaris 7 Product directory:

    # cd cdrom/Solaris_7/Product
  3. Add the correct SMEvplu.u package:

    # pkgadd -d `pwd` -R /a SMEvplu.u