Solaris 7 - 5/99 オンラインリリース情報

SPARC 版 Solaris 7 - 5/99 パッケージサイズ一覧 (単位: キロバイト)

注 -

アーキテクチャー別に内容の異なるパッケージの場合には、sun4u アーキテクチャー (たとえば SUNWkvm.u) のサイズを記載しています。

 パッケージ /  /usr  /usr/openwin  /opt 名前(NAME)
 JSat8xw 14 0 4801 0 Japanese Input System - ATOK8
 SMEvplr 30 0 0 0 SME platform links
 SMEvplu 6 4 5 0 SME usr/platform links
 SUNW5xmft 439 0 3465 0 Chinese/Taiwan BIG5 X Windows Platform minimum required Fonts Package
 SUNWab2m 6 94 0 0 Solaris Documentation Server Lookup
 SUNWaccr 17 0 0 0 System Accounting, (Root)
 SUNWaccu 6 268 0 0 System Accounting, (Usr)
 SUNWadmap 22 865 3 0 System administration applications
 SUNWadmc 6 1599 0 0 System administration core libraries
 SUNWadmfw 6 630 0 0 System & Network Administration Framework
 SUNWadmr 24 0 0 0 System & Network Administration Root
 SUNWafb 53 0 0 0 Elite3D Graphics System Software/Device Driver
 SUNWafbcf 6 504 0 0 Elite3D Graphics Configuration Software
 SUNWafbmn 6 19 0 0 Elite3D Graphics On-line Manual Pages
 SUNWafbr 8 0 0 0 Elite3D Graphics System Software (Root)
 SUNWafbw 16 0 664 0 Elite3D Graphics Window System Support
 SUNWafbx 77 0 0 0 Elite3D Graphics System Software/Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWafbxg 6 0 0 1374 Elite3D Graphics XGL Support
 SUNWale 6 302 0 0 Asian Language Environment Common Files
 SUNWaled 6 88 0 0 Asian Language Environment Common Man Pages
 SUNWalex 5 5 0 0 Asian Language Environment Common Files (64-bit)
 SUNWapppr 9 0 0 0 PPP/IP Asynchronous PPP daemon configuration files
 SUNWapppu 6 118 0 0 PPP/IP Asynchronous PPP daemon and PPP login service
 SUNWarc 24 9297 0 0 Archive Libraries
 SUNWarcx 6 4041 0 0 Archive Libraries (64-bit)
 SUNWarrf 15 0 1591 0 X11 Arabic required fonts
 SUNWast 14 128 0 0 Automated Security Enhancement Tools
 SUNWatfsr 53 0 0 0 AutoFS, (Root)
 SUNWatfsu 6 235 0 0 AutoFS, (Usr)
 SUNWaudio 6 372 0 0 Audio applications
 SUNWaudmo 22 2107 0 0 Audio demo programs
 SUNWbcp 6 1148 0 0 SunOS 4.x Binary Compatibility
 SUNWbnur 59 0 0 0 Networking UUCP Utilities, (Root)
 SUNWbnuu 8 830 0 0 Networking UUCP Utilities, (Usr)
 SUNWbtool 6 1112 0 0 CCS tools bundled with SunOS
 SUNWbtoox 6 2 0 0 CCS libraries bundled with SunOS (64-bit )
 SUNWcar 5022 0 0 0 Core Architecture, (Root)
 SUNWcarx 9769 0 0 0 Core Architecture, (Root) (64-bit)
 SUNWcg6 31 0 0 0 GX (cg6) Device Driver
 SUNWcg6h 14 8 0 0 GX (cg6) Header Files
 SUNWcg6x 40 0 0 0 GX (cg6) Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWciu8 5 1225 0 0  Simplified Chinese iconv modules for UTF-8
 SUNWciu8x 14 2012 0 0 Simplified Chinese (ENU) iconv modules for UTF-8 (64-bit)
 SUNWcpr 439 0 0 0 Suspend, Resume package
 SUNWcprx 168 0 0 0 Suspend, Resume package (64-bit)
 SUNWcsd 52 0 0 0 Core Solaris Devices
 SUNWcsl 327 5642 0 0 Core Solaris, (Shared Libs)
 SUNWcslx 14 6439 0 0 Core Solaris Libraries, (64-bit)
 SUNWcsr 12380 0 0 9 Core Solaris, (Root)
 SUNWcsu 94 12534 0 0 Core Solaris, (Usr)
 SUNWcsxu 30 1663 0 0 Core Solaris, (Usr) (64-bit)
 SUNWctpls 5 82 0 0 Portable layout services for Complex Text Layout support
 SUNWctplx 5 30 0 0 Portable layout services for CTL (64-bit)
 SUNWcvc 32 0 0 0 Network Console
 SUNWcvcr 752 0 0 0 Network Console daemon and rc script
 SUNWcvcx 40 0 0 0 Network Console (64-bit)
 SUNWcxmft 735 0 1833 0 Chinese/PRC X Windows Platform minimum Required Fonts
 SUNWdfb 49 0 0 0 Dumb Frame Buffer Device Drivers
 SUNWdfbh 6 56 0 0 Dumb Frame Buffer Header Files
 SUNWdhcsr 8 0 0 0 BOOTP/DHCP Server Services, (Root)
 SUNWdhcsu 7 181 0 0 BOOTP/DHCP Server Services, (Usr)
 SUNWdial 19 0 0 0 Buttons/Dials Streams Module
 SUNWdialh 14 135 0 0 Buttons/Dials Header Files
 SUNWdialx 20 0 0 0 Buttons/Dials Streams Module (64-bit)
 SUNWdoc 31 3366 0 0 Documentation Tools
 SUNWdpl 6 1817 0 0 Developer Profiled Librarie
 SUNWdplx 6 1322 0 0 Developer Profiled Libraries (64-bit)
 SUNWdrr 239 0 0 0 Dynamic Reconfiguration Modules for Sun Enterprise 10000
 SUNWdrrx 198 0 0 0 Dynamic Reconfiguration Modules for Sun Enterprise 10000 (64-bit)
 SUNWdtab 16 9516 0 0 CDE DTBUILDER
 SUNWdtbas 15 4345 0 0 CDE application basic runtime environment
 SUNWdtbax 7 5963 0 0 CDE application 64 bit basic runtime environment
 SUNWdtcor 6 24 0 0 Solaris Desktop /usr/dt filesystem anchor
 SUNWdtct 5 48 0 0 UTF-8 Code Conversion Tool
 SUNWdtdem 15 542 0 0 CDE DEMOS
 SUNWdtdmn 7 728 0 0 CDE daemons
 SUNWdtdst 16 6954 0 0 CDE Desktop Applications
 SUNWdtdte 23 1959 0 0 Solaris Desktop Login Environment
 SUNWdtezt 39 2113 0 0 Solaris Desktop Extensions Applications
 SUNWdthe 7 1078 0 0 CDE HELP RUNTIME
 SUNWdthev 55 11534 0 0 CDE HELP VOLUMES
 SUNWdthez 15 1541 0 0 Desktop Power Pack Help Volumes
 SUNWdthj 38 9096 0 0 HotJava Browser for Solaris
 SUNWdticn 174 3523 0 0 CDE icons
 SUNWdtim 7 526 0 0 Solaris CDE Image Viewer
 SUNWdtinc 6 136 0 0 CDE Includes
 SUNWdtlog 9 0 0 0 System boot for Desktop Login
 SUNWdtma 14 1349 0 0 CDE man pages
 SUNWdtmad 22 760 0 0 CDE developer man pages
 SUNWdtmaz 6 43 0 0 Desktop Power Pack man pages
 SUNWdtrme 7 1 0 0 CDE Release Documentation
 SUNWebnfs 14 0 0 320 WebNFS
 SUNWenise 5 10 0 0 Base Partial Locales
 SUNWensqr 56 0 0 0 Ensoniq ES1370 Audio Device Driver (32-bit), (Root)
 SUNWensqx 61 0 0 0 Ensoniq ES1370 Audio Device Driver (64-bit), (Root)
 SUNWesu 14 1354 0 0 Extended System Utilities
 SUNWesxu 6 151 0 0 Extended System Utilities (64-bit)
 SUNWeudba 5 18 0 0 UTF-8 L10N for CDE Base
 SUNWeudbd 5 15 0 0 UTF-8 L10N for CDE Dtbuilder
 SUNWeudda 5 61 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For CDE Desktop Applications
 SUNWeudhr 6 7 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For CDE Help Runtime
 SUNWeudhs 5 5 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For CDE Help Runtime
 SUNWeudis 5 3 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For CDE Icons
 SUNWeudiv 5 3 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For Desktop Imagetool
 SUNWeudlg 13 318 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For CDE Desktop Login
 SUNWeudmg 5 70 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For Desktop Window Manager
 SUNWeuezt 13 95 0 0 English UTF-8 L10N For Desktop Power Pack Applications
 SUNWeugrf 7 0 946 0 X11 sun_eu_greek fonts
 SUNWeuise 21 182 0 0 European Partial Locales
 SUNWeuluf 5 687 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For Language Environment User Files
 SUNWeulux 5 687 0 0 UTF-8 L10N For Language Environment User Files (64-bit)
 SUNWeuodf 1160 0 2828 0 UTF-8 Core OPENLOOK Desktop Files

 SUNWeusru 5 12  0  0 English UTF-8 L10N For Solaris User Registration
 SUNWeuxwe 5 0 306 0 UTF-8 X Window Environment
 SUNWfac 22 413 0 0 Framed Access Command Environment
 SUNWfdl 13 3066 0 0 Font Downloader
 SUNWffb 30 0 0 0 Creator Graphics System Software/Device Driver
 SUNWffbcf 6 55 0 0 Creator Graphics Configuration Software
 SUNWffbw 7 0 656 0 Creator Graphics Window System Support
 SUNWffbx 37 0 0 0 Creator Graphics System Software/Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWffbxg 6 0 0 1114 Creator Graphics XGL Support
 SUNWfns 6 2648 0 0 Federated Naming System
 SUNWfnsx 14 2907 0 0 Federated Naming System (64-bit)
 SUNWfnsx5 8 402 0 0 FNS Support For X.500 Directory Context
 SUNWfnx5x 6 488 0 0 FNS Support For X.500 Directory Context (64-bit)
 SUNWftpr 6 0 0 0 FTP Server, (Root)
 SUNWftpu 6 51 0 0 FTP Server, (Usr)
 SUNWglmr 39 0 0 0 Symbios 875/876 SCSI device driver, (Root)
 SUNWglmx 47 0 0 0 Symbios 875/876 SCSI device driver, (Root)
 SUNWgsdhx 6 107 0 0 GSS Diffie-Hellman (64-bit)
 SUNWgss 10 119 0 0 GSSAPI V2
 SUNWgssdh 6 89 0 0 GSS Diffie-Hellman

 SUNWgssk 110  37  0 0  kernel GSSAPI V2
 SUNWgssx 6 122 0 0 GSSAPI V2 (64-bit)
 SUNWhea 95 6435 0 0 SunOS Header Files
 SUNWhiu8 5 1268 0 0 Traditional Chinese iconv modules for UTF-8
 SUNWhiu8x 5 1692 0 0 Traditional Chinese (EUC) iconv modules for UTF-8 (64-bit)
 SUNWhmd 145 0 0 0 SunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers
 SUNWhmdu 6 110 0 0 SunSwift SBus Adapter Headers
 SUNWhmdx 208 0 0 0 SunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers (6 4-bit)
 SUNWi13rf 22 0 1452 0 X11 ISO-8859-13 required fonts
 SUNWi15rf 7 0 1013 0 X11 ISO-8859-15 required fonts
 SUNWi1of 26 0 5052 0 ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) Optional Fonts
 SUNWi2cr 69 0 0 0 Device drivers for I2C devices, (Root, 32-bit)
 SUNWi2cx 84 0 0 0 Device drivers for I2C devices, (Root, 64-bit)
 SUNWi2of 27 0 3080 0 X11 ISO-8859-2 optional fonts
 SUNWi2rf 29 0 975 0 X11 ISO-8859-2 required font
 SUNWi4of 8 0 349 0 X11 ISO-8859-4 optional fonts
 SUNWi4rf 11 0 552 0 X11 ISO-8859-4 required fonts
 SUNWi5of 16 0 2323 0 X11 ISO-8859-5 optional fonts
 SUNWi5rf 14 0 506 0 X11 ISO-8859-5 required fonts
 SUNWi7of 16 0 637 0 X11 ISO-8859-7 optional fonts
 SUNWi7rf 14 0 546 0 X11 ISO-8859-7 required fonts
 SUNWi8rf 18 0 1741 0 X11 iso8859-8 required fonts
 SUNWi9of 27 0 2723 0 X11 ISO-8859-9 optional fonts
 SUNWi9rf 17 0 1067 0 X11 ISO-8859-9 required fonts
 SUNWidecr 180 0 0 0 IDE device drivers
 SUNWidecx 180 0 0 0 IDE device drivers - 64bit
 SUNWider 130 0 0 0 IDE Device Driver, (Root)
 SUNWifp 143 9 0 0 Sun Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop Device Driver
 SUNWifph 6 85 0 0 Sun Fibre Channel Arbirated Loop Driver Header Files
 SUNWifpx 166 9 0 0 Sun Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWigs 46 49 75 0 IGS CyberPro2010 Device Driver & DDX
 SUNWigsx 63 0 0 0 IGS CyberPro2010 64-bit Device Driver
 SUNWinst 7 134 0 0 Install Software
 SUNWipc 6 18 0 0 Interprocess Communications
 SUNWipcx 6 16 0 0 Interprocess Communications (64- bit)
 SUNWislcc 6 12 0 0 XSH4 conversion for Eastern European locales
 SUNWislcx 6 13 0 0 64-bit iconv conversion for Eastern European locales
 SUNWisolc 6 356 0 0 XSH4 conversion for ISO Latin character sets
 SUNWisolx 14 463 0 0 64-bit iconv conversion for ISO Latin character sets
 SUNWjab2m 5 12 0 0 Japanese Solaris Documentation Server Lookup
 SUNWjadis 5 178 0 0 Japanese (EUC) admintool and install software
 SUNWjadma 13 178 2 0 Japanese (EUC) System administration applications
 SUNWjbcp 13 2393 0 0 Japanese (EUC) SunOS 4.x Binary Compatibility
 SUNWjc0d 7 522 0 0 Japanese cs00 user dictionary maintenance tool for CDE Motif
 SUNWjc0r 546 0 0 0 Japanese Kana-Kanji Conversion Server cs00 Root Files
 SUNWjc0u 7 481 0 0 Japanese Kana-Kanji Conversion Server cs00 User Files
 SUNWjc0w 15 0 225 0 Japanese cs00 user dictionary maintenance tool for OPEN LOOK
 SUNWjcs3f 14 6438 0 0 Japanese JIS X0212 Type1 fonts for printing
 SUNWjdab 13 7489 0 0 Japanese CDE DTBUILDER
 SUNWjdbas 5 392 0 0 Japanese CDE application basic runtime environment
 SUNWjddst 13 330 0 0 Japanese (EUC) CDE Desktop Applications
 SUNWjddte 13 325 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Solaris Desktop Login Environment
 SUNWjdhe 5 32 0 0 Japanese (EUC) CDE HELP RUNTIME
 SUNWjdhev 53 12568 0 0 Japanese CDE HELP VOLUMES
 SUNWjdhez 6 1084 0 0 Japanese Desktop Power Pack Help Volumes
 SUNWjdhj 21 628 0 0 Japanese HotJava Browser for Solaris
 SUNWjdim 5 25 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Solaris CDE Image Viewer
 SUNWjdrme 13 1 0 0 Japanese (EUC) CDE Release Documentation
 SUNWjeab 5 444 0 0 Japanese (EUC) CDE DTBUILDER
 SUNWjeafb 5 0 0 5 Japanese (EUC) Elite3D XGL Support
 SUNWjeafm 5 24 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Elite3D On-line Manual Pages
 SUNWjebas 5 161 0 0 Japanese (EUC) CDE application basic runtime environment
 SUNWject 5 6 0 0 Japanese (EUC) UTF-8 Code Conversion Tool
 SUNWjedev 5 348 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Development Environment Package
 SUNWjeezt 6 111 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Desktop Power Pack Applications
 SUNWjehev 13 2550 0 0 Japanese (EUC) CDE HELP VOLUMES
 SUNWjehez 6 278 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Desktop Power Pack Help Volumes
 SUNWjejmn 5 116 0 0 Japanese (EUC) JavaVM man pages
 SUNWjeman 69 5435 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Feature Package Man Pages
 SUNWjepmm 5 17 25 0 Japanese (EUC) Power Management OW Utilities Man Pages
 SUNWjepmw 13 0 18 0 Japanese (EUC) Power Management OW Utilities
 SUNWjervl 5 0 4 0 Japanese (EUC) SunVideo Runtime Support Software
 SUNWjeuc 5 1251 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Feature Package usr files
 SUNWjeucx 5 222 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Feature Package usr files (64-bit)
 SUNWjeudc 5 127 0 0 Japanese (EUC) User Defined Character tool for Solaris CDE
 SUNWjewnu 5 7 0 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Mes sages, (EUC)
 SUNWjexfa 13 86 0 0 Japanese (EUC) X Window System Font Administrator
 SUNWjexir 5 0 29 0 Japanese (EUC) XIL Runtime Envir onment
 SUNWjexpx 6 0 25 0 Japanese (EUC) X Window System p latform software (64-bit)
 SUNWjffb 5 0 0 3 Japanese (EUC) Creator Graphics (FFB) XGL Support
 SUNWjfpr 52 0 0 0 Japanese Feature Package root files
 SUNWjfpu 5 1171 0 0 Japanese Feature Package usr files
 SUNWjfpux 13 499 0 0 Japanese Feature Package usr files (64-bit)
 SUNWjfxmn 5 0 89 0 Japanese Feature English Man Pages for X Window System
 SUNWjiu8 7 644 0 0 Japanese iconv modules for UTF-8
 SUNWjiu8x 7 684 0 0 Japanese iconv modules for UTF-8 (64-bit)
 SUNWjjvdv 5 78 0 0 Japanese JavaVM developers package
 SUNWjjvrt 5 30 0 0 Japanese JavaVM run time environment
 SUNWjkcsr 5 0 61 0 Japanese (EUC) KCMS Runtime Envi ronment
 SUNWjlibj 6 86 0 0 Japanese specific library (libjapanese.a) and transition kit.
 SUNWjman 21 894 0 0 Japanese Feature Package Man Pages (English)
 SUNWjmfrn 5 31 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Motif RunTime Kit
 SUNWjoaud 5 0 81 0 Japanese (EUC) OPEN LOOK Audio applications
 SUNWjodcv 13 0 87 0 Japanese (EUC) OPEN LOOK document and help viewer applications
 SUNWjodem 5 0 309 0 Japanese (EUC) OPEN LOOK demo programs
 SUNWjodst 13 0 559 0 Japanese (EUC) OPEN LOOK deskset tools
 SUNWjodte 3015 0 113 0 Japanese (EUC) OPEN LOOK Desktop Environment
 SUNWjoimt 5 0 53 0 Japanese (EUC) OPEN LOOK imagetool
 SUNWjorte 5 0 166 0 Japanese (EUC) OPEN LOOK toolkits runtime environment
 SUNWjoumn 13 0 502 0 Japanese (EUC) OPEN LOOK toolkit /desktop users man pages
 SUNWjpab 5 447 0 0 Japanese (PCK) CDE DTBUILDER
 SUNWjpacx 5 0 73 0 Japanese (PCK) AccessX client program
 SUNWjpadi 5 179 0 0 Japanese (PCK) admintool and install software
 SUNWjpadm 21 178 2 0 Japanese (PCK) System administration applications
 SUNWjpafb 5 0 0 5 Japanese (PCK) Elite3D XGL Support
 SUNWjpafm 5 21 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Elite3D On-line Manual Pages
 SUNWjpbas 5 160 0 0 Japanese (PCK) CDE application basic runtime environment
 SUNWjpck 5 1190 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Feature Package usr files
 SUNWjpckx 5 186 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Feature Package usr files (64-bit)
 SUNWjpct 5 6 0 0 Japanese (PCK) UTF-8 Code Conversion Tool
 SUNWjpdst 13 330 0 0 Japanese (PCK) CDE Desktop Applications
 SUNWjpezt 15 109 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Desktop Power Pack Applications
 SUNWjpffb 5 0 0 3 Japanese (PCK) Creator Graphics (FFB) XGL Support
 SUNWjphe 5 33 0 0 Japanese (PCK) CDE HELP RUNTIME
 SUNWjphev 5 2552 0 0 Japanese (PCK) CDE HELP VOLUMES
 SUNWjphez 6 278 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Desktop Power Pack Help Volumes
 SUNWjpim 5 25 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Solaris CDE Image Viewer
 SUNWjpjmn 5 115 0 0 Japanese (PCK) JavaVM man pages
 SUNWjpkcs 5 0 62 0 Japanese (PCK) KCMS Runtime Environment
 SUNWjpman 77 5434 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Feature Package Man Pages
 SUNWjpmfr 5 31 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Motif RunTime Kit
 SUNWjppmm 5 0 23 0 Japanese (PCK) Power Management OW Utilities Man Pages
 SUNWjppmw 5 0 18 0 Japanese (PCK) Power Management OW Utilities
 SUNWjprdm 5 606 0 0 Japanese (PCK) On-Line Open Issues ReadMe
 SUNWjprme 5 1 0 0 Japanese (PCK) CDE Release Documentation
 SUNWjprvl 5 0 4 0 Japanese (PCK) SunVideo Runtime Support Software
 SUNWjpsal 5 24 0 0 Japanese (PCK) Solstice Admintool launcher
 SUNWjpsxg 5 0 0 2 Japanese (PCK) SX XGL Support
 SUNWjptlm 13 0 128 0 Japanese (PCK) ToolTalk manual pages
 SUNWjptlt 5 0 21 0 Japanese (PCK) ToolTalk runtime
 SUNWjpudc 5 117 0 0 Japanese (PCK) User Defined Character tool for Solaris CDE
 SUNWjpwnu 5 12 0 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Messages, (PCK)
 SUNWjpxfa 5 86 0 0 Japanese (PCK) X Window System Font Administrator
 SUNWjpxgd 5 0 0 3 Japanese (PCK) XGL Generic Loadable Libraries
 SUNWjpxge 5 0 0 15 Japanese (PCK) XGL Runtime Environment
 SUNWjpxir 5 0 28 0 Japanese (PCK) XIL Runtime Environment
 SUNWjpxpl 5 0 44 0 Japanese (PCK) X Window System platform software
 SUNWjpxpm 21 0 391 0 Japanese (PCK) X Window System online programmers man pages
 SUNWjpxpx 5 0 28 0 Japanese (PCK) X Window System platform software (64-bit)
 SUNWjpxum 21 0 833 0 Japanese (PCK) X Window System online user man pages
 SUNWjrdm 5 606 0 0 Japanese (EUC) On-Line Open Issues ReadMe
 SUNWjreg 13 87 0 0 Japanese Solaris User Registration

 SUNWjsadl 5 24 0 0 Japanese (EUC) Solstice Admintool launcher
 SUNWjsxgl 5 0 0 2 Japanese (EUC) SX XGL Support
 SUNWjtlmn 5 0 128 0 Japanese (EUC) ToolTalk manual pages
 SUNWjtltk 5 0 21 0 Japanese (EUC) ToolTalk runtime
 SUNWju8 5 4187 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Feature Package usr files
 SUNWju8x 5 552 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Feature Package usr files (64-bit)
 SUNWjuab 5 528 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) CDE DTBUILDER
 SUNWjuacx 5 0 77 0 Japanese (UTF-8) AccessX client program
 SUNWjuadi 5 213 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) admintool and install software
 SUNWjuadm 13 218 1 0 Japanese (UTF-8) System administration applications
 SUNWjuafb 5 0 0 5 Japanese (UTF-8) Elite3D XGL Support
 SUNWjuafm 13 27 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Elite3D On-line Manual Pages
 SUNWjubas 5 171 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) CDE application basic runtime environment
 SUNWjuct 5 7 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) UTF-8 Code Conversion Tool
 SUNWjudst 5 397 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) CDE Desktop Applications
 SUNWjudte 13 350 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) CDE DESKTOP LOGIN ENVIRONMENT
 SUNWjuezt 6 116 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Desktop Power Pack Applications
 SUNWjuffb 5 0 0 3 Japanese (UTF-8) Creator Graphics (FFB) XGL Support
 SUNWjuhe 5 39 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) CDE HELP RUNTIME
 SUNWjuhev 5 2801 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) CDE HELP VOLUMES
 SUNWjuhez 6 318 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Desktop Power Pack Help Volumes
 SUNWjuim 5 29 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Solaris CDE Image Viewer
 SUNWjujmn 13 146 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) JavaVM man pages
 SUNWjukcs 5 0 70 0 Japanese (UTF-8) KCMS Runtime Environment
 SUNWjulcf 5 403 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Localization for xutops command
 SUNWjuman 69 6154 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Feature Package Man Pages
 SUNWjumfr 5 37 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Motif RunTime Kit
 SUNWjupmm 5 0 28 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Power Management OW Utilities Man Pages
 SUNWjupmw 13 0 21 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Power Management OW Utilities
 SUNWjurdm 5 700 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) On-Line Open Issues ReadMe
 SUNWjurme 5 1 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) CDE Release Documentation
 SUNWjurvl 5 0 4 0 Japanese (UTF-8) SunVideo Runtime Support Software
 SUNWjusal 5 30 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) Solstice Admintool launcher
 SUNWjusxg 5 0 0 2 Japanese (UTF-8) SX XGL Support
 SUNWjutlm 5 0 160 0 Japanese (UTF-8) ToolTalk manual pages
 SUNWjutlt 5 0 28 0 Japanese (UTF-8) ToolTalk runtime
 SUNWjuudc 5 134 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) User Defined Character tool for Solaris CDE
 SUNWjuwm 13 70 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) CDE DESKTOP WINDOW MANAGER
 SUNWjuwnu 5 15 0 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Messages, (UTF-8)
 SUNWjuxfa 5 94 0 0 Japanese (UTF-8) X Window System Font Administrator
 SUNWjuxgd 5 0 0 3 Japanese (UTF-8) XGL Generic Loadable Libraries
 SUNWjuxge 5 0 0 18 Japanese (UTF-8) XGL Runtime Environment
 SUNWjuxir 5 0 35 0 Japanese (UTF-8) XIL Runtime Environment
 SUNWjuxpl 5 0 298 0 Japanese (UTF-8) X Window System platform software
 SUNWjuxpm 21 0 423 0 Japanese (UTF-8) X Window System online programmers man pages
 SUNWjuxum 13 0 1080 0 Japanese (UTF-8) X Window System online user man pages
 SUNWjvdem 14  79 0 0 JavaVM demo programs
 SUNWjvdev 78 13947 0 0 JavaVM developers package, includes javac, javah, and javap
 SUNWjvjit 6 1248 0 0 Java JIT compiler
 SUNWjvman 6 123 0 0 JavaVM man pages
 SUNWjvrt 6 10324 0 0 JavaVM runtime environment
 SUNWjwacx 5 0 69 0 Japanese (EUC) AccessX client program
 SUNWjwbcp 5 1288 0 0 Japanese (EUC) OpenWindows binary compatibility
 SUNWjwbk 5 0 2243 0 Japanese (EUC) OpenWindows online handbooks
 SUNWjwncr 13 0 0 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Client, (Root)
 SUNWjwncu 14 1431 0 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Client, (Usr)
 SUNWjwncx 6 0 1917 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Client X Window System
 SUNWjwndt 14 47 0 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Client for CD
 SUNWjwnsr 33 0 0 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Server, (Root)
 SUNWjwnsu 8 13883 0 0 Japanese Input System - Wnn6 Server, (Usr)
 SUNWjwsr 13 52 0 0 Japanese Solaris Product Registry
 SUNWjxcft 32 0 15871 0 Japanese X Window System common (not required) fonts
 SUNWjxfa 5 109 0 0 Japanese X Window System Font Administrator
 SUNWjxfnt 3070 0 3112 0 Japanese X Window System required fonts
 SUNWjxgld 6 0 0 10 Japanese (EUC) XGL Generic Loadable Libraries
 SUNWjxgle 5 0 0 16 Japanese (EUC) XGL Runtime Environment
 SUNWjxmft 1473 0 2524 0 Japanese X Window System Minimum Required Fonts
 SUNWjxoft 15 0 2438 0 Japanese X Window System optional fonts
 SUNWjxplt 5 0 270 0 Japanese (EUC) X Window System platform software
 SUNWjxpmn 21 0 391 0 Japanese (EUC) X Window System online programmers man pages
 SUNWjxumn 13 0 832 0 Japanese (EUC) X Window System online user man pages
 SUNWkcspf 6 0 5496 0 KCMS Optional Profiles
 SUNWkcspg 22 0 7900 0 KCMS Programmers Environment
 SUNWkcsrt 16 0 4389 0 KCMS Runtime Environment
 SUNWkey 31 172 0 0 Keyboard configuration tables
 SUNWkiu8 7 697 0 0 Korean UTF-8 iconv modules for UTF-8
 SUNWkiu8x 6 507 0 0 Korean (UTF-8) iconv modules for UTF-8 (64-bit)
 SUNWkmp2r 171 0 0 0 PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Device Drivers, (Root, 32-bit)
 SUNWkmp2x 218 0 0 0 PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Device Drivers, (Root, 64-bit)
 SUNWkoi8f 10 0 1094 0 X11 KOI8-R fonts
 SUNWkvm 7 276 0 0 Core Architecture, (Kvm)
 SUNWkvmx 7 59 0 0 Core Architecture, (Kvm) (64-bit)
 SUNWkxmft 1527 0 3359 0 Korean UTF-8 X Windows Platform minimum Required Fonts
 SUNWldapx 7 312 0 0 LDAP Libraries (64-bit)
 SUNWlibC 6 447 0 0 Sun Workshop Compilers Bundled libC
 SUNWlibCf 6 112 0 0 SunSoft WorkShop Bundled libC (cfront version)
 SUNWlibCx 6 525 0 0 Sun WorkShop Bundled 64-bit libC
 SUNWlibm 6 334 0 0 Sun WorkShop Bundled libm
 SUNWlibms 6 113 0 0 Sun WorkShop Bundled shared libm
 SUNWlldap 6 336 0 0 LDAP Libraries
 SUNWlmsx 6 129 0 0 Sun WorkShop Bundled 64-bit shared libm
 SUNWlmx 6 7 0 0 Sun WorkShop Bundled misc. 64-bi t libm files
 SUNWloc 14 287 0 0 System Localization
 SUNWlocx 6 21 0 0 System Localization (64-bit)
 SUNWlpmsg 17 0 0 0 LP Alerts
 SUNWluxd 62 0 0 0 Sun Enterprise Network Array sf Device Driver
 SUNWluxdx 80 0 0 0 Sun Enterprise Network Array sf Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWluxl 126 0 0 0 Sun Enterprise Network Array socal Device Driver
 SUNWluxlx 142 0 0 0 Sun Enterprise Network Array socal Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWluxop 6 906 0 0 Sun Enterprise Network Array firmware and utilities
 SUNWm64 53 0 0 0 M64 Graphics System Software/Device Driver
 SUNWm64cf 6  28 0 0 M64 Graphics Configuration Software
 SUNWm64w 7 0 128 0 M64 Graphics Window System Support
 SUNWm64x 72 0 0 0 M64 Graphics System Software/Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWm64xr 6 0 0 0 M64XR System Software (Device Driver Config.)
 SUNWman 502 37100 0 0 On-Line Manual Pages
 SUNWmfdev 14 868 0 0 Motif UIL Compiler
 SUNWmfman 46 2152 0 0 CDE Motif Manuals
 SUNWmfrun 27 6127 0 0 Motif RunTime Kit
 SUNWmibii 8 161 0 0 Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0.3 SNMP daemon
 SUNWnisr 12 0 0 0 Network Information System, (Root)
 SUNWnisu 14 1252 0 0 Network Information System, (Usr)
 SUNWntpr 13 0 0 0 NTP, (Root)
 SUNWntpu 6 397 0 0 NTP, (Usr)
 SUNWoladd 6 0 443 0 OPEN LOOK Alternate Desktop Demos
 SUNWolaud 6 0 840 0 OPEN LOOK Audio applications
 SUNWolbk 14 0 2074 0 OpenWindows online handbooks
 SUNWoldcv 6 0 3334 0 OPEN LOOK document and help viewer applications
 SUNWoldem 15 10 810 0 OPEN LOOK demo programs
 SUNWoldim 14 0 2853 0 OPEN LOOK demo images
 SUNWoldst 14 0 4307 0 OPEN LOOK deskset tools
 SUNWoldte 7 0 599 0 OPEN LOOK Desktop Environment
 SUNWolimt 6 0 1131 0 OPEN LOOK imagetool
 SUNWolinc 38 0 1445 0 OPEN LOOK include files
 SUNWolman 14 0 521 0 OPEN LOOK toolkit/desktop users man pages
 SUNWolrte 81 1 5669 0 OPEN LOOK toolkits runtime environment
 SUNWolslb 6 0 11863 0 OPEN LOOK toolkit/desktop static/lint libraries
 SUNWolsrc 46 0 2152 0 OPEN LOOK sample source
 SUNWos86u 6 1 0 0 Platform Support, OS Functionality (Usr)
 SUNWosdem 14 238 0 0 OS demo source
 SUNWowbcp 6 4305 0 0 OpenWindows binary compatibility
 SUNWowrqd 6 0 0 0 OpenWindows required core package
 SUNWpcelx 126 0 0 0 3COM EtherLink III PCMCIA Ethernet Driver
 SUNWpcmci 252 0 0 0 PCMCIA Card Services, (Root)
 SUNWpcmcu 7 26 0 0 PCMCIA Card Services, (Usr)
 SUNWpcmcx 322 0 0 0 PCMCIA Card Services, (64-bit)
 SUNWpcmem 100 0 0 0 PCMCIA memory card driver
 SUNWpcr 9 0 0 0 SunSoft Print - Client, (root)
 SUNWpcser 138 0 0 0 PCMCIA serial card driver

 SUNWpcu 7 222 0 0 SunSoft Print - Client, (usr)
 SUNWpd 187 0 0 0 PCI Drivers
 SUNWpdu 7 39 0 0 PCI Drivers Headers
 SUNWpdx 242 0 0 0 PCI Drivers (64-bit)
 SUNWplc1x 22 8873 0 0 Supplementary Partial Locales (64-bit)
 SUNWplcx 14 1224 43 0 Partial Locales (64-bit)
 SUNWpldte 22 865 2 0 Eastern European locale support
 SUNWploc 22 1124 0 0 Partial Locales
 SUNWploc1 39 8867 0 0 Supplementary Partial Locales
 SUNWplow 42 0 1286 0 OpenWindows enabling for Partial Locales
 SUNWplow1 48 0 4909 0 OpenWindows enabling for Supplementary Partial Locales
 SUNWpmowm 6 0 19 0 Power Management OW Utilities Man Pages
 SUNWpmowr 8 0 0 0 Power Management OW Utilities, (Root)
 SUNWpmowu 7 0 145 0 Power Management OW Utilities, (Usr)
 SUNWpmr 13 0 0 0 Power Management config file and rc script
 SUNWpmu 6 73 0 0 Power Management binaries
 SUNWpmux 6 31 0 0 Power Management binaries (64-bit)
 SUNWpppk 6 125 0 0 PPP/IP and IPdialup Device Drivers
 SUNWpppkx 6 168 0 0 PPP/IP and IPdialup Device Drivers (64-bit)
 SUNWpsdpr 110 0 0 0 PCMCIA ATA card driver
 SUNWpsf 6 265 0 0 PostScript filters - (Usr)
 SUNWpsr 41 0 0 0 SunSoft Print - LP Server, (root)
 SUNWpsu 23 1422 0 0 SunSoft Print - LP Server, (usr)
 SUNWpwb 13 0 0 0 Power Button Driver
 SUNWpwbx 16 0 0 0 Power Button Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWqfed 105 0 0 0 Sun Quad FastEthernet Adapter 32 bit Driver
 SUNWqfedu 6 32 0 0 Sun Quad FastEthernet Adapter Driver Headers
 SUNWqfedx 145 0 0 0 Sun Quad FastEthernet Adapter 64 Bit Driver
 SUNWrdm 6 327 0 0 On-Line Open Issues ReadMe
 SUNWrsg 6 37 0 0 RPCSEC_GSS
 SUNWrsgk 73 0 0 0 kernel RPCSEC_GSS
 SUNWrsgx 6 43 0 0 RPCSEC_GSS (64-bit)
 SUNWrtvc 100 0 0 0 SunVideo Device Driver
 SUNWrtvcl 16 0 2015 0 SunVideo XIL library support
 SUNWrtvcu 9 0 0 793 SunVideo Runtime Support Software
 SUNWrtvcx 150 0 0 0 SunVideo Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWsacom 2535 0 0 0 Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0.3 files for root file system
 SUNWsadmi 9 1004 0 0 Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0.3 Desktop Management Interface
 SUNWsadml 8 169 0 0 Solstice Launcher.
 SUNWsadmx 6 508 0 0 Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0.3 Desktop Management Interface Libraries (64-bit)
 SUNWsasnm 7 500 0 0 Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0.3 Simple Network Management Protocol
 SUNWsasnx 6 402 0 0 Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0.3 Simple Network Management Protocol Libraries (64-bit)
 SUNWscbcp 6 1633 0 0 SPARCompilers Binary Compatibility Libraries
 SUNWscplp 6 69 0 0 SunSoft Print - Source Compatibility, (Usr)
 SUNWscpr 16 0 0 0 Source Compatibility, (Root)
 SUNWscpu 14 733 0 0 Source Compatibility, (Usr)
 SUNWscpux 6 346 0 0 64-bit Source Compatibility, (Usr)
 SUNWses 46 0 0 0 SCSI Enclosure Services Device Driver
 SUNWsesx 55 0 0 0 SCSI Enclosure Services Device Driver (64-bit)
 SUNWsior 61 0 0 0 SuperIO 307 (plug-n-play) device drivers, (Root)
 SUNWsiox 80 0 0 0 SuperIO 307 (plug-n-play) device drivers, (Root)
 SUNWsndmr 100 0 0 0 Sendmail root
 SUNWsndmu 14 1281 0 0 Sendmail user
 SUNWsolnm 7 0 0 0 Solaris Naming Enabler
 SUNWspl 7 951 0 0 Spell Checking Engine - Base Release (English)
 SUNWsprot 14 1546 0 0 Solaris Bundled tools
 SUNWsprox 6 15 0 0 Sun WorkShop Bundled 64-bit make library
 SUNWsra 6 286 0 0 Source Compatibility Archive Libraries
 SUNWsregu 14 365 0 0 Solaris User Registration
 SUNWsrh 6 158 0 0 Source Compatibility Header Files
 SUNWssad 186 0 0 0 SPARCstorage Array Drivers
 SUNWssadx 235 0 0 0 SPARCstorage Array Drivers (64-b it)
 SUNWssaop 6 937 0 0 SPARCstorage Array Utility
 SUNWsutl 6 1641 0 0 Static Utilities
 SUNWswmt 6 399 0 0 Install and Patch Utilities
 SUNWsx 7 14 0 0 SX/CG14 Shareable Library
 SUNWsxow 7 0 272 0 SX/CG14 Window System Support
 SUNWsxr 97 0 0 0 SX Video Subsystem Drivers
 SUNWsxxgl 6 0 0 786 SX/CG14 XGL Support
 SUNWtcx 29 0 0 0 TCX System Software/Device Driver
 SUNWtcxow 7 9 136 0 TCX Window System Support
 SUNWtcxu 6 0 0 201 TCX XGL Support
 SUNWtdbas 14 12 0 0 Thai L10N for CDE base
 SUNWtddst 6 194 0 0 Thai L10N for CDE DESKTOP APPS
 SUNWtdft 6 3 0 0 Thai L10N for CDE Fonts
 SUNWtdwm 14 97 0 0 Thai L10N for CDE DESKTOP WINDOW MANAGER
 SUNWter 134 1322 0 0 Terminal Information
 SUNWtiu8 5 28 0 0 Thai UTF-8 iconv modules for UTF-8
 SUNWtiu8x 6 33 0 0 Thai UTF-8 iconv modules for UTF-8 (64-bit)
 SUNWtleu 8 180 0 0 Thai Locale Environment User Files
 SUNWtleux 5 161 0 0 Thai Language Environment user files (64-bit)
 SUNWtltk 6 19 2201 0 ToolTalk runtime
 SUNWtltkd 6 0 342 0 ToolTalk developer support
 SUNWtltkm 38 0 916 0 ToolTalk manual pages
 SUNWtltkx 6 0 834 0 ToolTalk 64 bit library
 SUNWtnfc 6 242 0 0 TNF Core Components
 SUNWtnfcx 6 300 0 0 TNF Core Components (64-bit)
 SUNWtnfd 6 56 0 0 TNF Developer Components
 SUNWtoo 14 716 0 0 Programming Tools
 SUNWtoox 6 738 0 0 Programming Tools (64-bit)
 SUNWtxfnt 2560 0 1077 0 Thai X Windows Platform required Fonts Package
 SUNWtxodt 6 0 3 0 Thai Core OPENLOOK Desktop Package
 SUNWtxplt 6 0 13 0 Thai X Window System platform software
 SUNWudct 11 3185 0 0 User Defined Character tool for Solaris CDE environment
 SUNWuiu8 10 681 0 0 Iconv modules for UTF-8 Locale
 SUNWuiu8x 10 847 0 0 Iconv Modules for UTF-8 Locale (64-bit)
 SUNWuium 5 4 0 0 Iconv Man Pages for UTF-8 Locale
 SUNWulcf 8 2305 0 0 UTF-8 Locale Environment Common Files
 SUNWulcfx 5 145 0 0 UTF-8 Locale Environment Common Files (64-bit)
 SUNWulocf 6 0 86 0 UTF-8 Locale Environment OpenWindows Common Files
 SUNWuxfl1 14 3321 0 0 SUNW,Ultra-1 FLASH PROM Update
 SUNWuxfl2 6 768 0 0 SUNW,Ultra-2 FLASH PROM Update
 SUNWuxfl4 6 936 0 0 SUNW,Ultra-4 FLASH PROM Update
 SUNWuxfle 6 1504 0 0 SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise FLASH PROM Update
 SUNWuxflr 7 0 0 0 Sun4u FLASH PROM update generic components, (Root)
 SUNWuxflu 6 11 0 0 Sun4u FLASH PROM Update generic components, (Usr)
 SUNWuxlcf 6 0 454 0 UTF-8 X Locale Environment Common Files
 SUNWuxlcx 6 0 45 0 UTF-8 X Locale Environment Common Files (64-bit)
 SUNWvolg 7 28 0 0 Volume Management Graphical User Interface
 SUNWvolr 8 0 0 0 Volume Management, (Root)
 SUNWvolu 6 377 0 0 Volume Management, (Usr)
 SUNWvolux 6 56 0 0 Volume Management, (Usr) (64-bit)
 SUNWvygdr 44 0 0 0 Voyager Drivers and Modules
 SUNWwsr 8 229 0 0 Solaris Product Registry & Web Start runtime support
 SUNWxcu4 8 895 0 0 XCU4 Utilities
 SUNWxcu4t 6 431 0 0 XCU4 make and sccs utilities
 SUNWxfb 77 0 0 0 Elite3D/Creator Common Driver Routines
 SUNWxfbx 126 0 0 0 Elite3D/Creator Common Driver Routines (64-bit)
 SUNWxgldg 7 0 0 3170 XGL Generic Loadable Libraries
 SUNWxgler 7 0 0 9 XGL English Localization

 SUNWxglft 7 0 0 776 XGL Stroke Fonts
 SUNWxglh 7 0 145 0 XGL Include Files
 SUNWxgljf 6 0 0 2505 Japanese XGL Stroke Font
 SUNWxglrt 7 0 0 1706 XGL Runtime Environment
 SUNWxi18n 6 0 112 0 X Window System Internationalization Common Package
 SUNWxi18x 6 0 131 0 X Window System Internationalization Common Package (64-bit)
 SUNWxilcg 6 0 39 0 SX/CG14 XIL Support
 SUNWxildh 9 0 3910 0 XIL Loadable Pipeline Libraries
 SUNWxilh 16 0 47 0 XIL API Header Files
 SUNWxilow 7 0 149 0 XIL Deskset Loadable Pipeline Libraries
 SUNWxilrl 10 0 989 6 XIL Runtime Environment
 SUNWxilvl 7 0 2464 0 VIS/XIL Support
 SUNWxim 6 0 1199 0 X Window System X Input Method Server Package
 SUNWximx 6 0 496 0 X Window System X Input Method Server Package (64-bit)
 SUNWxwacx 6 0 114 0 AccessX client program
 SUNWxwcft 33 0 6860 0 X Window System common (not required) fonts
 SUNWxwcsl 14 0 594 0 X Window System Display Postscript CID support library
 SUNWxwdem 15 0 960 0 X Window System demo programs
 SUNWxwdim 6 0 2223 0 X Window System demo images
 SUNWxwdv 6  15 0 0 X Windows System Window Drivers
 SUNWxwdvx 6 19 0 0 X Windows System Window Drivers (64-bit)
 SUNWxwdxm 6 0 101 0 DPS motif library
 SUNWxwfa 7 1964 0 0 X Window System Font Administrator
 SUNWxwfnt 42 0 7284 0 X Window System platform required fonts
 SUNWxwfs 6 0 284 0 Font server
 SUNWxwhl 5 7 0 0 X Window System & Graphics Header links in /usr/include
 SUNWxwice 6 0 149 0 ICE components
 SUNWxwicx 6 0 146 0 X Window System ICE 64-bit library
 SUNWxwinc 30 0 1760 0 X Window System include files
 SUNWxwkey 6 0 145 0 X Windows software, PC keytables
 SUNWxwman 22 0 834 0 X Window System online user man pages
 SUNWxwmod 19 0 0 0 OpenWindows kernel modules
 SUNWxwoft 49 0 4540 0 X Window System optional fonts
 SUNWxwopt 14 0 1513 0 nonessential MIT core clients and server extensions
 SUNWxwplt 41 0 11535 0 X Window System platform software
 SUNWxwplx 14 0 3051 0 X Window System 64-bit librarys oftware
 SUNWxwpmn 94 0 2847 0 X Window System online programme rs man pages
 SUNWxwpsr 6 0 315 0 Sun4u-platform specific X server auxiliary filter modules
 SUNWxwrtl 7 36 0 0 X Window System & Graphics Runtime Library Links in /usr/lib
 SUNWxwrtx 7 27 0 0 X Window System 64-bit Runtime C ompatibility Package
 SUNWxwslb 14 0 58582 0 X Window System static/lint libraries
 SUNWxwslx 6 0 51688 0 X Window System 64-bit lint libraries
 SUNWxwsrc 14 0 4422 0 X Window System sample source
 SUNWypr 23 0 0 0 NIS Server for Solaris (root)
 SUNWypu 7 152 0 0 NIS Server for Solaris (usr)
 TSBWvplr 8 0 0 0 Toshiba platform links
 TSBWvplu 13 3 0 0 Toshiba usr/platform links
 TWSvplr 21 0 0 0 TWS platform links
 TWSvplu 7 6 0 0 TWS usr/platform links