Solaris 7 Installation Supplement

Upgrading From the Solaris 7, 3/99, 5/99 or 8/99 Operating Environment: No Patches

If you are already running the Solaris 7, 3/99, 5/99, or 8/99 operating environment and have not installed individual patches, refer to "Upgrading a System" in the Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Library or the Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Library to upgrade to the Solaris 7 11/99 operating environment.

Note -

During an upgrade, you may receive an informational message regarding some of the packages (including SUNWolrte, SUNWoldcv, SUNWoldte, SUNWolaud). No action is required.

An example of this message is:

Doing pkgadd of SUNWolrte to /

This message indicates an attempt to install the same architecture and version of a package that is already installed.

Installation of SUNWolrte was successful...

Note -

If you are running Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 software and you want to add OS services to your server, you need to install Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 patch: number 104468-11 (SPARC) or 104469-11 (Intel) or any subsequent revision of this patch. See "AdminSuite Patch Required for Installation or Upgrade" for more information.