Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) 11/99 Hardware Compatibility List

PC Card (PCMCIA)--Add-On Boards

Note -

The PCMCIA devices that are listed in this section were tested on previous versions of Solaris Intel Platform Edition. Sun does not guarantee that these devices are compatible with current notebook (laptop) computer models.

Although notebook systems are not certified, many notebook systems run well with the Solaris software. The sources, which Sun does not endorse, identify systems and devices that work with Solaris Intel Platform Edition.

Note -

Devices that require additional configuration and that have a Device Reference Page in the Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) Device Configuration Guide are marked with a # symbol.

Table 1-17 PC Card (PCMCIA)--Add-On Boards



ATI Technologies 

14400 ETC-EXPRESS AX/Data Modem 


HCD 22 


Flash PC Card#

SCM Microsystems 

SwapBox Classic 

SwapBox Premium 

