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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Installation Guide

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Directory Server System Requirements

Installing the Directory Server

Getting the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition Software

To Download the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition Software

To Obtain the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition Software from the Media Kit

Installing the Directory Server in a Solaris Zone

Setting Up the Directory Server

To Set Up the Directory Server in GUI Mode

To Set Up the Directory Server in Command-line Mode

Setting Up Replication During Installation

To Set Up Replication in GUI Mode

Configuring the JVM, Java Options, and Database Cache

Upgrading the Directory Server

Starting and Stopping the Directory Server

Managing the Directory Server as a Service

Uninstalling the Directory Server

Getting the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition Software

You can obtain the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition software by using one of the following methods:

To Download the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition Software

  1. Point your browser to the Sun OpenDS download site.
  2. Click Sun Download Gateway, and follow the instructions to save the zip file locally on your computer.
  3. Unzip the zip compressed archive file.
    $ unzip SunOpenDS_SE2.0.zip

    If your system does not include a utility for extracting zip archives, you can use the jar tool provided with the Java environment.

    $ jar -xvf SunOpenDS_SE2.0.zip
  4. Change to the SunOpenDS_SE2.0 subdirectory.
    $ cd SunOpenDS_SE2.0
  5. View the contents of the SunOpenDS_SE2.0 subdirectory.
    (UNIX, Linux)   $ ls
    (Windows)       C:\> dir   
    Legal               bin                 instance.loc        setup
    QuickSetup.app      changelogDb         ldif                setup.bat
    README.txt          classes             legal-notices       snmp
    Uninstall.app       config              lib                 uninstall
    addons              db                  locks               uninstall.bat
    bak                 example-plugin.zip  logs                upgrade
    bat                 import-tmp          resources           upgrade.bat

To Obtain the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition Software from the Media Kit

  1. Insert the Media Kit CD into your cdrom drive.
  2. Change to the CD directory.

    For example, assume that you have mounted your CD on /vol/cdrom on UNIX or Linux systems, or the E:\ drive on Windows systems.

    (UNIX, Linux)   $ cd /vol/cdrom
    (Windows)       C:\> E: 
  3. The root directory of the CD contains the following files:
    (UNIX, Linux)   $ ls
    (Windows)       E:\> dir
    Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Thirdpartylicensereadme.txt
  4. Copy the zip file to a writable file system, for example:
    (UNIX, Linux)   $ mkdir /local/sunopends
                    $ cd /local/sunopends
                    $ cp /vol/cdrom/SunOpenDS_SE2.0.zip /local/sunopends
    (Windows)       E:\> mkdir C:\sunopends
                    E:\> C:
                    C:\> cd sunopends
                    C:\sunopends> xcopy E:\SunOpenDS_SE2.0.zip C:\sunopends
  5. Unzip the zip compressed archive file.
    $ unzip SunOpenDS_SE2.0.zip

    If your system does not include a utility for extracting zip archives, you can use the jar tool provided with the Java environment.

    $ jar -xvf SunOpenDS_SE2.0.zip
  6. Change to the SunOpenDS_SE2.0 subdirectory.
    $ cd SunOpenDS_SE2.0
  7. View the contents of the SunOpenDS_SE2.0 subdirectory.
    (UNIX, Linux)   $ ls
    (Windows)       C:\> dir   
    Legal               bin                 instance.loc        setup
    QuickSetup.app      changelogDb         ldif                setup.bat
    README.txt          classes             legal-notices       snmp
    Uninstall.app       config              lib                 uninstall
    addons              db                  locks               uninstall.bat
    bak                 example-plugin.zip  logs                upgrade
    bat                 import-tmp          resources           upgrade.bat