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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Command-Line Usage Guide

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The dbtest command debugs an Oracle Berkeley Java Edition (JE) back end.


dbtest subcommands options


The dbtest command is used to debug an Oracle Berkeley Java Edition (JE) back end. The command lists the root, entry, database containers, and the status of indexes in the database. The command also provides a dump of the database for debugging purposes.

A back end is a repository for storing data on a directory server. The back end uses some type of database (DB) to store data and to maintain a set of indexes that allow the back end to locate the entries in the directory. The primary database for the directory server is the Berkeley Java Edition (JE) database, which organizes its data as a single collection of keyed records in B-tree form.

You can use the dbtest command to access the following information:

Currently, the dbtest command is a read-only utility and cannot alter the database. The command can run in online or offline mode. However, running dbtest in online mode can take considerably longer than running it in offline mode.


Dump records from the database container. Suboptions are as follows:

-b, --baseDN baseDN. Base DN of the entry container to debug. Required.

-d, --databaseName databaseName. Name of the database container to debug. Required.

-k, --minKeyValue value. Only show records with keys that should be ordered after the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-K, --maxKeyValue value. Only show records with keys that should be ordered before the provided value using the comparator for the database container.

-n, --backendID backendID. ID of the local DB back end to debug. Required.

-p, --skipDecode. Skip decoding the local database to its appropriate types.

-s, --minDataSize size. Only show records whose data is no smaller than the provided value.

-S, --maxDataSize size. Only show records whose data is no larger than the provided value.


List the database containers for the entry container. Suboptions are as follows:

-b, --baseDN baseDN. Base DN of the entry container to debug. Required.

-n, --backendID backendID. ID of the local DB back end to debug. Required.


List the entry containers for a root container. Suboptions are as follows:

-n, --backendID backendID. ID of the local DB back end to debug. Required.


List the status of indexes in an entry container. Suboptions are as follows:

-b, --baseDN baseDN. Base DN of the entry container to debug. Required.

-n, --backendID backendID. ID of the local DB back end to debug. Required.


List the root containers used by all local DB back ends.

Global Options

The dbtest command accepts an option in either its short form (for example, -H) or its long form equivalent (for example, --help).

-?, -H, --help

Display the usage information.

-V, --version

Display directory server version information.


The following examples show how to use the directory server commands. You can use the commands on any UNIX, Linux, or Windows system that has at least the Java SE 5 (at least Sun version 1.5.0_08, preferably the latest version of Java SE 6) runtime environment installed on its target system.

Example 50
Displaying the List of Root Containers

The following command lists the root containers used by all local DB back ends:

$ dbtest list-root-containers
Backend ID  Database Directory
userRoot    db

Total: 1
Example 51
Displaying a List of Entry Containers

The following command displays the list of entry containers on the local DB back end:

$ dbtest list-entry-containers -n userRoot
Base DN            JE Database Prefix  Entry Count
dc=example,dc=com  dc_example_dc_com   102

Total: 1
Example 52
Displaying a List of Database Containers

The following command displays the list of database containers on the local DB back end:

$ dbtest list-database-containers -b dc=example,dc=com -n userRoot
Database Name              Database  JE Database Name                       Entry Count
dn2id                      DN2ID     dc_example_dc_com_dn2id                      102
id2entry                   ID2Entry  dc_example_dc_com_id2entry                   102
referral                   DN2URI    dc_example_dc_com_referral                   0
id2children                Index     dc_example_dc_com_id2children                2
id2subtree                 Index     dc_example_dc_com_id2subtree                 2
state                      State     dc_example_dc_com_state                      19
objectClass.equality       Index     dc_example_dc_com_objectClass.equality       6
givenName.equality         Index     dc_example_dc_com_givenName.equality         100
givenName.substring        Index     dc_example_dc_com_givenName.substring        396
member.equality            Index     dc_example_dc_com_member.equality            0
uid.equality               Index     dc_example_dc_com_uid.equality               100
cn.equality                Index     dc_example_dc_com_cn.equality                100
cn.substring               Index     dc_example_dc_com_cn.substring               1137
uniqueMember.equality      Index     dc_example_dc_com_uniqueMember.equality      0
telephoneNumber.equality   Index     dc_example_dc_com_telephoneNumber.equality   100
telephoneNumber.substring  Index     dc_example_dc_com_telephoneNumber.substring  956
sn.equality                Index     dc_example_dc_com_sn.equality                100
sn.substring               Index     dc_example_dc_com_sn.substring               541
ds-sync-hist.ordering      Index     dc_example_dc_com_ds-sync-hist.ordering      0
mail.equality              Index     dc_example_dc_com_mail.equality              100
mail.substring             Index     dc_example_dc_com_mail.substring             525
entryUUID.equality         Index     dc_example_dc_com_entryUUID.equality         102
aci.presence               Index     dc_example_dc_com_aci.presence               0

Total: 23
Example 53
Dumping the Contents of a Database and Skipping Decode

The following command dumps the contents of a database and displays the indexed values of the entry, but skips the decode.

$ dbtest dump-database-container -b dc=example,dc=com -n userRoot \
  -d objectClass.equality -p

Key (6 bytes):
64 6F 6D 61 69 6E domain

Data (8 bytes):
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01

Key (18 bytes):
67 72 6F 75 70 6F 66 75 6E 69 71 75 65 6E 61 6D groupofu niquenam
65 73 es

Data (40 bytes):
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9E
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F
Exit Codes

An exit code of 0 indicates that the operation completed successfully. An exit code of 1 indicates that an error occurred during processing.

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