Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.2 Evaluation Guide

Load Balancing and Operation-Based Routing

Directory Proxy Server now makes it possible both to route different LDAP operations on the same client connection to different servers and to enable successive requests on the same client connection to be sent to the same LDAP server. In addition, Directory Proxy Server offers a wider range of load balancing policies.

Furthermore, you can configure Directory Proxy Server to load balance LDAP traffic across different LDAP servers depending on the LDAP operation requested.

You can select your load balancing algorithms using the DSCC New Data Source Pool wizard, as illustrated in the following figure.

Selecting a load balancing algorithm with the DSCC.

You can also use the DSCC New Data Source Pool wizard to configure the load balancing algorithm. The following figure illustrates how you define the percentage of read and write operations that are routed to each data source with the DSCC.

Configuring load balancing algorithms with the DSCC.

After you have configured the data source and its load balancing algorithm, you associate the data source with a data view by using the New Data View wizard, as illustrated in the following figure.

Illustration of the New Data View wizard.