Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.2 Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Problems Installing Directory Server 5.2

Review the installation errors logs for information about what occurred during the installation failure. On Solaris, search for error messages in the /var/sadm/install/logs directory. On Red Hat and HP-UX systems, installations logs are located in the /var/opt/sun/install/logs directory. On Windows systems, installation logs are located in the C:\Docuemnts and Settings\current-user\Local Settings\Temp directory.

The Directory_Server_install.Atimestamp log file records installation summary information and the Directory_Server_install.Btimestamp log file contains more detailed log messages. For example, the detailed log file for a Directory Server installation that failed on December 16 at 3:32 p.m. would have a name like Directory_Server_install.B12161532.

To use the log files for troubleshooting, attempt to isolate the first problem that occurred. Often, the first problem leads to successive problems. Review the logs as follows:

  1. Review the installation summary log file (A), which provides a high-level description of what was installed and configured. If a problem occurred, see what component caused the problem. If multiple problems occurred, isolate the first.

  2. Review the detailed log file (B). Look for the first error warning that occurred and attempt to resolve it. Sometimes resolving one error resolves a number of seemingly unrelated errors that follow.

    Find the name of the component or package that caused the problem.

The log files can give you clues that determine your next steps. For example, if there was a configuration problem, look at the configuration summary to examine the settings you used. If there was a directory conflict, check that you did not specify a directory that is reserved by a different component product.