Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

Bootstrapping Information Required by the CLI

Bootstrapping information is required in order to locate and interrogate the datastore containing the elements and profiles. The bootstrapping information that is required is server, port number, base distinguished name (DN) and username of the administrator. This information can be specified at the command line or in a bootstrapping file.

Bootstrapping file

The boostrapping information can be read from a properties file. The location of this file can be specified in the command line by the --file option.

--file=<bootstrap file> : fully qualified path to a bootstrapping file. The default file is $HOME/

Example: --file=/var/opt/apoc/

The format of the file is described in the Appendix A, Configuration Parameters, in Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Installation Guide.

Bootstrapping options

The bootstrapping can be specified at the command line using the --url and --username options.

--url=<url> : the URL identifying the datastore. The URL format is ldap://<hostname>:<port>/<base name> with <hostname> the name of the server (default is localhost), <port> the port number on the server (default is 389) and <base name> the distinguished name of the base entry.

Example: --url=ldap://

--username=<username> : the username of the administrator in the format used by the storage back end. The administrator is then prompted for a password. If this option is not used, and the administrator has not used the pgtool login sub-command, then the administrator is prompted to enter a username and password.

Example: --username=“jmonroe”.