Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Administration Guide


Imports a profile stored in zip file format from the specified source. The source contains the profiles to be imported into the profile.


import [--name=<profile name>] [--scope=<user|host>] [--entity=<entity>] [--priority=<priority>] <source>

--name=<profile name> : the name of the profile to be imported. If not specified, then defaults to the name of the .zip source file. If a profile of this name and scope already exists at this layer, then it is overwritten.

--scope=<user|host> : the scope for the profile, which can be either user or host. If not specified, then defaults to the user scope.

--entity=<entity> : the element where the profile is located. If not specified, then defaults to root organization or domain element, depending on the --scope option.

--priority=<priority> : a strictly positive integer specifying the priority of the profile. If the priority specified is the same as that of an existing profile of this scope at this layer, then this option is ignored. If not specified, then the imported profile will have the highest priority at this layer.

<source> : the full path to the zip file containing the profiles to import.

Example 3–5 Importing a profile

% pgtool import --scope=host --name=NewHostProfile1 --priority=7 /tmp/

Profile with name “NewHostProfile1”, scope “host”, priority “7” and located in root domain, was imported from