Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Release Notes

Known Issues

This list covers some of the known problems with the Sun Desktop Manager. Read the list before reporting any new bugs.

Problem ID 

Description and Workaround. 


The new location for storage/retrieval of the configuration details for repositories is /etc/opt/SUNWapmcg. In the Beta release, the details were stored in a backends.cfg file in the /var/opt/webconsole/work/com_sun_web_console/localhost/apoc directory.

For every repository created in the Desktop Manager using the Add Configuration Repository Wizard, a separate .properties file is now stored in /etc/opt/SUNWapmcg. For example,,, and so on.

This change only affects users who have already configured repositories for the Desktop Manager Beta release. The result is that previously configured back ends are no longer detected, and will need to be re-created using the wizard. 

If you would rather re-create your repository details manually, you can create the .properties files in /etc/opt/SUNWapmcg yourself. Ensure that the “noaccess” user has read permission.

An example of a new properties file:  



SUNWgnome-vfs contains a known issue, and a patch is required for the menu plugin to function. The patch is available from the client/Patches directory that is created when you download and uncompress the Desktop Manager. The patch IDs for the gnome-vfs packages are 119906-04 - Solaris SPARC, and 119907-04 - Solaris x86.


When the application launching is restricted, the Preferences submenu items add launchers to the panel instead of actually starting the expected application. A patch for this problem will be released through SunSolve as soon as possible.  


In certain circumstances, the Desktop Manager adapter for Mozilla Preferences is not properly registered, resulting in the central settings defined for that application to be ignored on the desktop. A patch for this problem will be released through SunSolve as soon as possible. 


If the Configuration Agent is configured to connect to a secure LDAP port, but the certificates required for the SSL handshake to perform correctly are missing from the JRE database, the Agent will hang at startup and be put in maintenance mode. If this happens, please ensure the certificates for SSL are properly set up on the server and client and restart the Agent with /usr/lib/apoc/apocd restart.


The search window can show a maximum of only 100 records by default. However, this number is configurable. To configure the required number of records in the search window, add SizeLimit=XXX to the back end properties file in the /etc/opt/SUNWapmcg/ directory, where XXX is the number of records needed.


Only one extra menu with centrally defined launchers can be added using the Desktop Manager. If multiple profiles which set different names for that menu are assigned to a user, the resulting menu name on the desktop will be determined as per the rules for merging profiles detailed in the Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Administration Guide.


In the Profile Editor window, there is an error in the Cancel button functionality of one of the dialogs. If you create a new profile, then click another tab in the Profile Editor without specifically saving the changes, a dialog appears. This dialog states "Unsaved changes exist on this tab. Save the changes and proceed?" Instead of aborting, the Cancel button saves a new profile in the repository with the default values provided for name and comment, whether the user has made changes to these values or not. 


This issue impacts the functionality of the apoc daemon. If you switch from non-anonymous access back to anonymous access in apoc-config on the 'Authentication Mechanism (2 of 6)' panel, the apoc daemon will not authenticate correctly. 

Workaround: in /etc/apoc/, remove the following lines:


Useful Hints