Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Developer Guide

Structure Elements: category, page, section

<!ELEMENT category (category | page)>
<!ATTLIST category
    apt:name ID #REQUIRED
    apt:scope (user | host | global) #IMPLIED
    apt:label NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
    apt:inlineHelp NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT page ((section | set)+, xmlHandler*)><!ATTLIST page
    apt:name ID #REQUIRED
    apt:scope (user | host | global) #IMPLIED
    apt:label NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
    apt:inlineHelp NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
    apt:onlineHelp CDATA #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT section (property+)>
<!ATTLIST section
    apt:name ID #REQUIRED
    apt:scope (user | host | global) #IMPLIED
    apt:label NMTOKEN #IMPLIED

The category element is used to define the unique position of a page in the configuration profile tree. Its first attribute is the apt:name attribute. The name attribute is used to define a unique name for an element. It facilitates better orientation in large templates and referencing elements.

The second attribute of the category element is apt:scope. The scope attribute specifies to which tree the configuration setting can be applied. If the scope is "user", the configuration setting is applied to the organization tree only. If the scope is "host", the configuration setting is applied to the domain tree only. If the scope is "global", the configuration setting is applied to both trees. The default setting is "global". The elements inherit the scope from their parent elements, except if an element defines its own scope. If an element has a "user" scope and a configuration profile tree attached to a domain tree is displayed in the Content Area, that element is not displayed to the user. The same holds true if an element has "host" scope and a configuration profile tree attached to an organization tree is displayed.

The third attribute of the category element is apt:label. The label attribute specifies the name of the element displayed to the user and supports localization. The string specified by the label attribute is searched in the resource bundles first. If a key matching the string is found, its value is displayed on the GUI. If the string has no matching key in any of the resource bundles, the string itself is displayed on the GUI. If no label attribute is specified, the string specified by the name attribute is rendered in the GUI. If both attributes are not defined, no output is rendered.

The fourth attribute of the category element is apt:inlineHelp. The inlineHelp attribute specifies the help text displayed on the GUI. The help is displayed to the right of the category names in the "Comment" column. It supports localization in the same manner as the label attribute described in the preceding paragraph.

There is exactly one page element at the end of a category hierarchy. This element represents one option page. It contains four attributes recognized by the category element: name, scope, label, and inlineHelp. The value of the inlineHelp attribute is displayed below the page title. The value of the label attribute is displayed as the page title. The category and page names define the unique location and name of a page in the configuration profile tree.

The apt:onlineHelp attribute is used to make the HTML file containing the online help available to the Desktop Manager. The HTML page referred to by this element is displayed as context-sensitive help if the user clicks the Help link in the masthead of the Desktop Manager. The apt:filePath attribute specifies the location of the help file using a path. The delimiter is a forward slash ("/"). The file postfix (.html) must not be specified, as well as the ISO language code (ISO-639) and the ISO country code (ISO 3166). The root directory of the path is the web directory located below the package directory. See also Localization.

A page can contain an arbitrary number of sections or sets, followed by an optional list of xmlHandlers. Thus the page element contains the sub-elements section, set (see Dynamic Data Elements: set) and xmlHandler (see Interaction Elements: xmlHandler, event, action, choose, command).

The section element creates a visual group of all its property sub-elements in a table-like layout. It contains four attributes recognized from the category element: name, scope, and label. The value of the label attribute is displayed as the section title.