Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Developer Guide


There are two different types of help: the online help and the inline help.

The online help is a detailed, context-sensitive help that is displayed in a new window when the user clicks the Help link in the masthead. If the last action was taken in the Content Area, the online help document defined in the template currently displayed in the Content Area is shown. If the last action was taken somewhere else, the general online help is shown. The apt:onlineHelp attribute of the page element is used to bind the HTML help file to a template. You need to specify the fully qualified path to the file and its base name, for example,

<page apt:name="Proxy">

references ./web/StarOffice/Internet/proxy.html.

You can use absolute and relative paths in HTML files. If you place an image in a directory that is called images, alongside of the HTML file, any of the following notations can be used in the HTML file:

The inline help is a brief text providing additional information for category, page and property pages. The inline help is displayed in the "Comment" column for a category element, below the page title for a page element and below the configuration setting for a property element. The help text is specified by the apt:inlineHelp attribute of any of the three elements category, page or property. For example,

<property apt:name="HTTPProxy" 
          apt:label="HTTP Proxy"
          apt:inlineHelp="Specify no proxy (None) or a manually defined proxy (manual)."

You should provide resource keys for the label to facilitate localization.