Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Release Notes

Uninstallation Issues

This section describes known issues with uninstallation.

Side-by-Side Upgrade of a Windows Master Server Uninstall Fails (6188943)

When you are performing a side-by-side upgrade of a Windows Master Server, immediate uninstallation fails. Uninstallation might require manual intervention and reboot to complete.

Workaround: Stop the Master Server service from the Services application in the Windows Control Panel before running the Master Server uninstallation. After the uninstallation completes, the Master Server services are still present. Reboot the machine to remove the Master Server services entries in the Services application in the Windows Control Panel.

Uninstallation Window Displays Previous Sun N1 Service Provisioning System Version Value (6189043)

After upgrading a Sun N1 Service Provisioning System Windows version of the Local Distributor or Remote Agent to the next version, if you uninstall that Local Distributor or Remote Agent, the title of the uninstallation window displays the previous version.

Workaround: The uninstallation program proceeds properly. Ignore the erroneous title.