Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Release Notes

Component Cannot Be Deleted If Root Component Refers to Non-Root autogen Plan (6306809)

You might not be able to delete a component when different versions of the component have had direct-run component procedures run.

This situation arises if a particular direct-run component procedure was first run on a version other than 1.0 of the component and then the same direct-run component procedure was later run on version 1.0 of the component.

You will not be able to delete the 1.0 version of the component or the first direct-run component procedure that you ran. Neither direct delete of one version nor bulk delete of both versions will be possible.

Note –

As an alternative to delete, it is possible to hide the components in question to remove them from view.

Workaround: Avoid the problem by using one of the following methods: