Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 System Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Change Your Password From the Log In Page

If you need to need to change your password, you can change your password from the Log In page as long as you are using internal authentication for your password. If you are using external authentication, change your password through that application.

Note –

When you use this procedure to change your password, all of your encrypted session variables are re-encrypted using your new password.

  1. In the navigation menu on the Log In page, click Change Password.

    If you are already logged in, click Log Out in the top right corner to navigate to the Log In page.

  2. Type your user name in the User Name field.

  3. Type your current password in the Current Password field.

  4. Type the new password you would like to use in the new password field.

  5. Confirm that you have typed the new password correctly by typing it in the Confirm New Password field.

  6. Click the Change Password button.