Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 System Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Rename Folders

This procedure describes how to rename folders and change their descriptions by using the browser interface. You can also rename folders by using the following command.

Before You Begin

When you rename a folder, references to the old folder are automatically updated.

To rename a folder you must have write permissions on the parent folder. You do not need write permissions on other objects that will be affected by renaming the folder.

  1. View the Details page of the folder that you plan to rename.

    For more information about how to navigate to a folder's Details page, see How to View Folders.

  2. Click Rename.

    The Rename Folder window appears.

  3. Type the new folder name in the text field and click Rename.

    The folder's Details page shows the folder's new name.


If your attempt to rename a folder failed, verify the following items.