Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 System Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Edit Notification Rules

Editing notification rules allows you to adjust existing rules to further meet your needs. You also have the option of creating new notification rules based on existing rules.

This procedure describes how to edit notification rules by using the browser interface. You can also perform this task by using the following command.

Before You Begin

To edit a notification rule, you must belong to a user group that has write permissions on notification rules.

  1. From the navigation menu, choose Notification Rules.

    The browser interface displays the notifications page, which lists the notifications that are already saved in the database.

  2. Select the notification rule that you plan to edit and click Details.

    Note –

    If you plan to create a new notification rule based on an existing rule, select an existing rule that is similar to the new rule you plan to create.

    The browser interface displays the notification rule's Details page.

  3. Specify the criteria for the new notification rule.

    There are four ways to specify which events will trigger an email notification.

    • Event Type. If you know the type of event that you want to monitor, select the event type from the drop-down list.

    • Severity Level. If you want to monitor events of a particular severity level, select the severity level from the drop-down list.

      When you specify the event's severity level, you can specify whether you want a notification email to be triggered when an event of that severity or higher occurs. To determine what the severity of a particular type of event is, refer to Table 8–1.

    • Event Message. If you want to select events based on the messages they automatically generate, you can specify part or all of an event text message in the event text contains field.

      To determine the generated message of the event you want to monitor, set up a notification rule that will trigger a notification email. When you receive a notification email that was triggered by the event you want to monitor, place the message contents in the Event Text Contains field. You can also use an asterisk (*) to match any number of characters.

    • Host or Host Type. If you want to monitor a specific host or host set, type the name of the hosts in the host field or select a host set from the drop-down list.

      To specify multiple hosts by name, lists the names in the On Host field and separate them with spaces, semicolons, or commas.

  4. Save the notification rule.

    • To save the modified notification rule, click Save.

    • To use an existing notification rule as a template for a new rule, click Save As.

      1. Type a new, unique name for the notification rule.

      2. Click Continue to Save.

      The new rule displays in the Notification Rules table.