Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 System Administration Guide

Starting Applications on Windows Systems

On Windows systems, you start the Master Server, Local Distributor, and Remote Agent in the Services Panel. You start the CLI Client from a DOS window.

To start the Master Server, Local Distributor, or Remote Agent, click the Start menu, then Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Services. In the Services panel, find the name of the application and start it.

Table 1–2 Names of Services to Start for the Windows Master Server, Local Distributor, and Remote Agent


Name of Service to Start 

Master Server 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software Server 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software PostgresSQL Server 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software IPC Daemon 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software Database Preparer 

Local Distributor 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software Distributor 

Remote Agent 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software Agent