Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 System Administration Guide

Appendix C Accepted Values for Provisioning System Objects

This appendix describes valid values for several of the provisioning system's administrative objects.


The description of an object cannot exceed 1024 characters and can consist of any Unicode letters or numbers. The following symbols are also accepted values: exclamation mark (!), the commat symbol (@), pound sign (#), dollar sign ($), percentage sign (%), carrot sign (^), ampersand (&), asterisk (*) open parenthesis ( ( ), close parenthesis ( ) ), open curly brace ({), close curly brace (}), open square bracket ([), close square bracket (]), backslash (\), pipe (|), colon (:), semicolon (;), open angle bracket (<), close angle bracket (>), quotation mark (”), apostrophe ('), comma (,), period (.), question mark (?), forward slash (/), and tilde (~).

folder name

The folder's name contains only letters, numbers, dashes (-), underscores (_), periods (.), and spaces (' '). The folder's creation cannot result in the folder path exceeding 512 characters (including forward slashes,/).

host name

The host name must begin with either a Unicode letter or an underscore (_) and be followed by either Unicode letters, numbers, an underscore character (_), period (.), or dash (-). The host name cannot exceed 512 characters.

host-search names

The host search name must begin with either a Unicode letter or an underscore (_) and be followed by either Unicode letters, numbers, an underscore character (_), period (.), or dash (-)

host-set name

The host set name must begin with either a Unicode letter or an underscore (_) and be followed by either Unicode letters, numbers, an underscore character (_), period (.), or dash (-)

host-type name

The host-type name must begin with a Unicode letter or an underscore (_), and be followed by either Unicode letters, numbers, an underscore character (_), period (.), or dash (-). The host type name cannot exceed 32 characters.

host-type attribute name

The attribute name must start with a letter or underscore (_) and be followed by either Unicode letters, numbers, an underscore characters (_).

host-type attribute value

The attribute value cannot exceed 1024 characters and can consist of any Unicode letters or numbers. The following symbols are also accepted values: exclamation mark (!), the commat symbol (@), pound sign (#), dollar sign ($), percentage sign (%), carrot sign (^), ampersand (&), asterisk (*) open parenthesis ( ( ), close parenthesis ( ) ), open curly brace ({), close curly brace (}), open square bracket ([), close square bracket (]), backslash (\), pipe (|), colon (:), semicolon (;), open angle bracket (<), close angle bracket (>), quotation mark (”), apostrophe ('), comma (,), period (.), question mark (?), forward slash (/), and tilde (~).