Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Operation and Provisioning Guide

ProcedureHow to Create an Install to Install Comparison

This procedure describes creating a comparison by using the browser interface. You can also create comparisons by using the following command.

For a detailed description of this command, see Chapter 5, cmp: CLI Commands for Running Comparisons, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Command-Line Interface Reference Manual.

Before You Begin

The Remote Agents from each host must be set to use the same locale for Install to Install comparisons to function properly.

To create a new comparison, you must belong to a user group with Create, Edit, Delete permission on comparisons.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Comparisons.

    The HTML user interface displays the comparisons page, which lists the comparisons already checked into the database.

  2. Type the name and description of the comparison you want to create and click Create.

    The comparison's Details page is displayed.

  3. In the Style of Comparison area, click Install to Install.

  4. Select the level of detail that the comparison will use.

    • Directory and File properties. Confirms that both hosts have the same files and directories and that the files and directories are the same sizes.

    • File Contents. Compares the contents of files on both hosts.

      Note –

      If the component you are using in a comparison includes its own rules about files to ignore, they will be used in addition to any ignore rules you define for this comparison.

  5. Type the name of the reference host and the path of the directory that you want to compare against the comparison host.

    Ideally, the reference host contains the configuration that you would like to see on the comparison host.

    The directory that you type specifies where in the hierarchical, file structure to limit the comparison. If you use the top of the tree structure you will evaluate the entire host.

  6. Type the name of the comparison host and the path to the directory you want to compare against the reference host.

  7. Select the options available for the comparison.

    • (Optional) To run a comparison on all the subdirectories within the selected directory, select Include All Subdirectories In Comparison.

    • (Optional) To resolve symbolic links to determine that what the link points to is also valid, select Follow Symbolic Links Found in Directories.

    • (Optional) To run a script before or after running this comparison, perform the following actions.

      1. Click Include Temporary Files Generated by Scripts During Comparison.

        The page will refresh and provide two fields to generate and cleanup scripts.

      2. Enter the scripts into the appropriate fields.

        For information on scripts for prepare and cleanup, refer to Using Scripts in Install to Install Comparisons.

      3. If you do not want the provisioning software to run the same scripts on the comparison host as on the reference host, deselect the appropriate options.

        • If you deselect the Generate checkbox, a field displays for you to provide an alternate generate script for the comparison host.

        • If you deselect the Cleanup checkbox, a field displays for you to provide an alternate cleanup script for the comparison host.

        If you want to specify resources to ignore during this comparison, see Modifying Directories or Files to Ignore During Comparisons.

  8. (Optional) Type the names of files or directories that you want the comparison to ignore.

    This feature allows the provisioning system to accommodate changes to things like log files without causing the comparison to fail.

  9. In the Limits area, specify the maximum number of hours or minutes the comparison can run.

    By default, comparisons are allowed to run for four hours.

    If the comparison times out, an error message will display on the Comparisons page.

  10. Click Save.