Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plan and Component Developer's Guide

Component Type Concepts

A component type is a component that has been designed as an encapsulation of behavior for reuse by other components. A component type usually represents behavior that is specific to a particular type of application. For example, an Enterprise JavaBeansTM (EJBTM) component type might contain generic procedures that can be used to deploy and undeploy an EJB archive to and from an application server. When a component extends from a component type, it automatically inherits the behavior that is defined in that component type.

Components are usually associated with a component type. If you select untyped from the browser interface, your component will not extend from any other component type. The provisioning system includes some built-in component types. See Chapter 3, Built-in Component Types.

The files, directories, and other tree structures that are referred to by a simple component are managed as a discrete unit in a component.

For example, an IIS application, which the provisioning system would manage as referenced resources, might include the following:

Some of the resources that are referenced by components, such as files and directories, can be copied from a gold server or another data source. Others, such as IIS web site settings or Microsoft Windows registry entries, must be extracted from a data source in a special way so that they can be treated as independent, manageable entities.

With its built-in component types, the provisioning system can recognize the most common source items that are used for JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE platform) and Microsoft Windows applications. These component types can accurately extract data for use as a component resource, store the component resource in a repository, and correctly install the resources in the specified location.