Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plan and Component Developer's Guide

ProcedureHow to Create a Component

Use this procedure to create simple and composite components.

  1. From the navigation menu, choose Components.

    The Components page appears and lists the components that are already checked in.

  2. (Optional) Click Change Folder and specify the folder that will contain the new component.

    A window appears where you specify the name of the folder in which to create the component.

    • If the folder exists, select the name of the folder, and click Change to Selected Folder.

      The Components page displays the list of components in the specified folder.

    • If the folder does not exist, create the folder.

      1. Specify the parent folder, and click New Folder.

        The Create New Folder window appears.

      2. Type the name of the new folder, and click Create.

        The new folder inherits its permissions from its parent folder. After you click Create, the folder tree displays with the new folder selected.

        Note –

        You cannot create multiple folder levels at one time. To create several nested folders, you must return to the Change Folder window and repeat steps A and B.

      3. After the folder is created, select the name of the folder, and click Change to Selected Folder.

        The Components page displays the list of components in the specified folder.

  3. Type a name for the new component in the Component field, and click Create.

    The new component's Edit page appears.

  4. Define the component.

    1. (Optional) Change the component's name in the Component field, and click Rename.

    2. Choose the component type from the Component Type drop-down menu.

      Some of the resulting fields might change to match those that are used by the component type that you selected.

    3. From the Platform Type drop-down menu, choose the platform type to which this component can be deployed.

    4. (Optional) Specify a label in the Label field.

    5. (Optional) Specify a description in the Description field.

    6. Supply other required information.

      The information that is required is based on the component type that you selected.

      If your component references other components, local names are created for each of the components that this component references.

    7. Click Check In.

      A window appears that reports that the provisioning system is checking in the component as Version 1.0.

  5. Click Continue To Check In.