Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plan and Component Developer's Guide

Component Type: system#directory

The provisioning system can accommodate any number of components and can place them in any directory structure that you create. The number of components that can be created is only limited by the file system on the master server. Each file system limits the number of files that can be created, and by creating too many files in a single directory, you can exceed the file systems limitations. The relationship between components and files is not necessarily an equal ratio. For example, one component might exceed file system limitations if it has 100,000 files, and 100,000 components might fall within the file system limitations if none of the components contain files.

Exceeding file system limits might not result in a direct failure when the files are created. However, problems might arise in the form of increasingly severe performance degradation or unpredictable failures at other times.

Limits to the number of files that a directory can support vary by file system and can be influenced by how the operating system is configured. You can avoid overloading a directory by understanding your file system's limitations and placing components into smaller subdirectories, rather than into a single, large directory. A conservative practice to use when creating components is to place no more than 30,000 files in a single directory.

The system#directory component type represents a collection of files and folders that are taken from a target server. The system#directory component type includes installation, uninstallation, and snapshot procedures.

The system#directory component type defines the following variables:



UNIX Systems 

Microsoft Windows Systems 

Root Path


List of physical drives on the host or network are mapped to a drive letter. Removable media is not shown. 





Alphabetical with directories appearing first 

Selection Type

User can select a directory for check-in. Double click a directory to view its contents. 

Sample Path






Links display their local name and the location pointed to: 



Extended Control Procedures

The following procedures are defined for the system#directory component type: