Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plan and Component Developer's Guide

Explicit External Component Expansion

An explicit-external-component explicitly specifies a component that is expected to be installed on a particular host in a particular location. It has the component resolution semantics of the <installedComponent> installed component targeter. See Installed Component Targeters in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide.

explicit-external-component has the following syntax:


component-target specifies the host on which the specified component is installed and is one of the following:

explicit-component-reference is a reference to a component that is already installed on the target host that is specified by component-target. The explicit-component-reference minimally includes the installed component name, but can also include a version and an install path, as follows:


full-component-name is an absolute or relative reference to the specified component. A relative reference is expanded relative to the plan or component that contains explicit-component-reference.

path is the absolute install path name of the specified component, or a substitution variable reference that, when expanded, represents the absolute install path of the specified component. If path includes the } character, it must be escaped using the }} sequence.