Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plan and Component Developer's Guide

Resolving External Component Substitution References

The value of an external component substitution reference is computed first by resolving the component that is referenced by primary-component. If secondary-component is used as a primary-component, the component that contains the external component substitution reference serves as the initial current component that is used when resolving the primary-component. The component that is resolved by primary-component becomes the new current component. Then, each secondary-component in secondary-component-list is resolved by using the last resolved component as the current component. Finally, the provisioning system looks up and returns the variable, varname, in the last resolved component.

The value of an external component substitution reference is computed based on the value of the specified variable in the referenced component at the time the component was installed. You cannot refer to a variable that is not declared by the installed component or to a component that is not installed on the target host. You also cannot refer to a variable that is not accessible to the component or plan that declares the external component substitution reference. The variable is accessible only if it is declared with an accessible access mode, the declaring component is accessible, and each primary and secondary component that is traversed to get to that component is accessible.

External component substitution references are computed at the time that they are encountered during a plan run, not at the start of the run. Thus, an actual installed component that is being referenced might change based on the steps executed earlier in the plan. Furthermore, references to components that are installed on a host other than the current target host might be affected by other plans that are running concurrently on the other host. For predictable results, only refer to hosts that are included in the target set of the current plan run because they are guaranteed to be locked. Also, synchronize any <install> or <uninstall> operations on an externally referenced host in the plan by using retargeting or series execution mode.

Example 6–2 Using External Component Substitution Variable References