Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Plan and Component Developer's Guide


abstract component

A component that serves only as a base component for other components to extend. An abstract component cannot be installed and only an abstract component is permitted to declare abstract child elements.

call compatibility

A compatibility type for system service components. This compatibility is also called API compatibility or interface compatibility.


A general class in which you can group objects that are stored in multiple folders.

child component

A component that is referenced by a container component. Also called contained component.

See also container component.


A feature that searches for and identifies differences between hosts and component models. The provisioning system supports these three types of comparisons:

  • Model to model – Examines the deployment repository and history that is stored on the master server for two hosts and reports any differences

  • Model to install – Compares what the master server reports is installed on a host to what is actually on the host and reports any differences

  • Install to install – Examines the contents of two hosts' file systems and reports any differences


A logical grouping of source information that defines an application. A component also includes a set of instructions that specifies how to manage the source information.

The XML representation of a component includes the following:

  • List of resources used by the application

  • Installation steps

  • Uninstallation steps

  • Dependencies

component compatibility

A situation where a component can be safely replaced by another. The provisioning system supports two kinds of component compatibility: call compatibility and install compatibility.

component inheritance

The means by which a component obtains attributes and behavior from another component. When you create a component, it inherits any variables, snapshots, and procedures from the associated component type.

component procedure

A program in a component that controls deployment of the component, such as installation, uninstallation, management, and capturing snapshots. Management procedures are defined in the control block.

component repository

A location on the master server where components and their resources are checked in.

component type

A special kind of component that encapsulates behavior that can be reused by other components. A component can inherit the behavior of a component type by extending from it.

component variable

A user-definable name-value pair that is used to make parts of a component accessible and configurable by objects that are external to the component.

composite component

A component that contains only references to other components, both simple and composite. A composite component cannot contain any resources.

composite plan

A plan that is composed solely of subplans, which can be simple or composite subplans. A composite plan is not directly targeted, as each subplan can run on a different set of targets.

configuration generation engine

A software engine on the master server that replaces substitution variable references with the appropriate variable setting values. The engine interacts with the host repository and component repository to resolve values any time that you run a plan to deploy a component.

contained component

A component that is referenced by other components.

container component

A component that contains references to other components.


A procedure defined by a component that can be used to manage the deployed applications. For example, a control might be used to start or stop an application. Also called control service.


Using a plan or component procedure to act on a component. The component's lifecycle includes installation, uninstallation, and application management.

direct-run procedure

A component procedure that can be run directly from the component by using the browser interface.


In the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software network hierarchy, the server that is further from the master server. For example, the master server connects downstream to a local distributor. Any remote agents connected to the local distributor are downstream from the local distributor.

execNative call

An optional call out to custom scripts from the XML of a plan or component.

execution plan

See plan.


To base a component on a component type so that the component inherits variables and procedures that are defined by the component type. The component can override variable values and procedure definitions defined by its associated component type.

final component

A component that cannot be extended by another component.


Directory-like containers that enable you to apply permissions to and organize components, plans, and subfolders.

gold server

A reference server that contains files, directories, and other resources that make up an application and that checks in these resources to the master server.


A server that is managed by the provisioning system.

host set

A user-defined, logical grouping of hosts that share one or more common attributes, such as physical location or functional group. Use a host set to quickly and easily update applications on all hosts in the set. You can also use a host set to perform model-to-install comparisons between two hosts.

host type

A base class of servers that is bound by a set of common attributes, all of which are user-defined. You can use host types to categorize hosts into logical groupings and to facilitate host searches.

host search

A query run on the host repository that yields a list of hosts whose attributes match those specified by the query. For example, you can use host searches to create a list of hosts that have the same host type, that run the same applications, and that are configured with the same subnet masks.

install compatibility

A compatibility type for component types. This compatibility is also called structural compatibility.

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

A subset of the Java Development Kit (JDK®) for users and developers who want to redistribute the runtime environment. The Java runtime environment consists of the Java virtual machine (JVM), the Java core classes, and supporting files.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

The part of the Java runtime environment (JRE) responsible for interpreting bytecodes.


An implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented language, Python, seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. The predecessor to Jython, JPython, is certified as 100% pure Java.


A means of marking a component version beyond the provisioning system version number. For example, a component version number describes the version of the component. A label can describe the version of the application that the component represents.

local distributor

The application that is installed on a server. The Local Distributor application acts as a link between other servers in the provisioning system in the following ways:

  • master server to remote agents

  • master server to other local distributors

  • local distributor to remote agents

Local distributors maximize bandwidth efficiency and speed, and can also provide secure network connections for navigating restricted environments.

master server

The application that is installed on a server that manages the provisioning system. The Master Server application can connect to any of the data center environments managed by the provisioning system. The master server provides centralized data storage, data processing, and user interfaces.


To create components and plans that represent an application that you want to deploy with the provisioning system.

nested component

A contained component that, when installed, can provide its services only to its container component. A nested contained component defines a finer-grained unit of functionality required by the container component, but is not otherwise useful to other components.

network protocol

A way to transmit data between devices on a network. The Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software uses TCP/IP, SSH, and SSL.

notification email

An email sent by the provisioning system to advise that a system, administrative, or custom event has occurred. The system administrator specifies the rules used to determine when notification emails are sent and the email addresses to which the email is sent.

notification rule

The criteria used by the provisioning system to determine whether an email notification is sent. The system administrator defines the criteria that that is used to determine when an email notification is sent.

parent component

A component that contains references to other components. Also called container component.

See also contained component.

physical host

A physical server that is connected to the network. Within the provisioning system, a physical host can act as a remote agent or a local distributor.


A sequence of instructions that is used to manipulate one or more components. A plan can also be a sequence of other plans, which enables common instruction sequences to be shared between one or more plans.

plan executor

The software engine on the master server that runs preflights and deployments.


The simulated execution of a plan to a simulated UNIX environment that finds and reports any errors or potential errors that might affect the deployment. A preflight always precedes a deployment, but you can run a preflight as a standalone operation.


See component procedure.

provisioning system

The software applications that, when installed on servers, form the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software.

remote agent

The application that is installed on any server in the provisioning system to which components are deployed. The Remote Agent application manages tasks, such as installing software, controlling services, and collecting information to deliver to the master server.


A file that is deployed to a host when a plan is executed. The file might be a directory, a symbolic link, or another kind of file.

resource descriptor file

An XML file that specifies the owner, group, and permission settings to use for the files and directories that comprise the resource of a simple component. By using a resource descriptor file, you can override the permissions that are determined at component check-in time.


A computer that manages resources and supplies services to a client. In the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System software, a server is a computer on which one of the provisioning system applications has been installed.


A period of time that is initiated when you log in. A session persists until you log out or inactivity causes the session to expire. Logically, a session represents the authenticated credentials of a particular user. A session is used to identify the user throughout a series of related requests without reauthentication.

session variable

A variable that is associated with a user session. The user can change session variable values for each login session. Session variable values can also be securely saved for reuse in subsequent sessions.

simple component

A component that contains a single resource. A simple component cannot contain references to other components.

simple plan

A sequential list of steps that are executed on a particular set of target servers. A simple plan does not contain or call other plans.


A capture of the resources that are stored on a host during a deployment. The snapshot is used when performing comparisons between a host and its model on the master server (model-to-install).


An instruction that can be part of a plan or a component.

substitution variable

A variable that appears in plans, components, or configuration files that is substituted by the configuration generation engine during deployment.

system service

A component that is automatically deployed to all applicable hosts when the hosts are prepared. System services define utility controls and resources that can be used by other components.

targetable component

A component that creates a host that serves as a deployment target for other components when it is installed. When a targetable component is uninstalled, the host it created is automatically deleted.

top-level component

A contained component that, when installed, can be used by any component just as if it had been directly installed by a plan. A top-level contained component defines services that will be used by the container component as well as by other components.


In the provisioning system network hierarchy, the server that is closer to the master server. For example, the master server is upstream from the local distributor. The docal distributor is upstream from any remote agents that are connected to that local distributor.


See component variable.

variable settings

A collection of variable values that can be used to override the default values of one or more component variables. Based on the variable settings that you use, you can specify different values for component variables. You specify the variable settings to use when you run a plan.

virtual host

Services that act as a host for other services. For example, a virtual host can represent an application server that acts as a host for web applications.

XML schema

The language used by the provisioning system to create plans and components.